Introduction to Apache Geode Clients
This section provides basic starting points for a variety of Apache Geode clients, along with very rudimentary connect, put, get operations, and then a reference to more in-depth docs and examples on how to use the client.
For an in-depth look at how to use Apache Geode clients, see Client/Server Configuration.
Installing Apache Geode
You can download Apache Geode from the website, run a Docker image, or install with homebrew on OSX. See How to Install Apache Geode for details.
Starting an Apache Geode Cluster
For client tests and examples, start a simple cluster and create an example region.
Start an Apache Geode cluster with one locator and one server.
$ gfsh
gfsh> start locator
gfsh> start server
Create a region called “helloWorld”.
gfsh> create region --name=helloWorld --type=PARTITION
When you are through running client tests and examples, shut down the Apache Geode cluster:
gfsh> shutdown --include-locators=true
Apache Geode Java Client
For a conventional Java client, provide the dependencies that are appropriate for your build environment. (The Spring Boot framework, described later, provides a utility that generates these dependencies for you.)
Examples are shown here for Maven and Gradle. Replace $VERSION with the version of Apache Geode that you have installed.
Maven Dependencies
Gradle Dependencies
dependencies {
implementation "org.apache.geode:geode-core:$VERSION"
Simple Put and Get with Apache Geode Java client
public static void main(String[] args) {
ClientCache cache = new ClientCacheFactory().addPoolLocator("", 10334).create();
Region<String, String>
helloWorldRegion =
cache.<String, String>createClientRegionFactory(ClientRegionShortcut.PROXY).create("helloWorld");
helloWorldRegion.put("1", "HelloWorldValue");
String value1 = helloWorldRegion.get("1");
Build and run the application. This puts the key ‘1’ with a value of ‘HelloWorldValue’ into the ‘helloWorld’ region, then retrieves and prints the value of key ‘1’.
Additional Resources
Spring Boot Client For Apache Geode
Spring Boot for Apache Geode provides a powerful abstraction that simplifies the developer experience when using Spring Boot and Apache Geode. The best way to get started with Spring Boot for Apache Geode, is by creating a project using Spring™ initializr.
Add the ‘Spring for Apache Geode’ dependency and then select either ‘Generate’, which creates a zip file to import into your IDE or ‘Explore’, which opens a build file based on your Project selection (Maven or Gradle)
Maven Dependencies
Your Maven pom.xml file should include something similar to
Gradle Dependencies
Your Gradle gradle.build file should include something similar to
ext {
set('springGeodeVersion', "1.4.3")
dependencies {
implementation 'org.springframework.geode:spring-geode-starter'
testImplementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test'
dependencyManagement {
imports {
mavenBom "org.springframework.geode:spring-geode-bom:${springGeodeVersion}"
Connect to the server from your application
Open your web browser to Spring™ initializr.
Click ‘Add Dependencies’. Search for the ‘Spring for Apache Geode’ dependency and add it to your project. Select ‘Generate’, which creates a zip file. Import this file into your IDE.
With your Geode cluster running, build and run the application (without making any other changes).
In the console output, you should see something similar to (starting with Spring Boot for Apache Geode v1.4.2+)
2021-03-19 11:27:14.532 INFO 8730 --- [ main] o.s.g.c.a.ClusterAwareConfiguration : Successfully connected to localhost[40404] 2021-03-19 11:27:14.537 INFO 8730 --- [ main] o.s.g.c.a.ClusterAwareConfiguration : Successfully connected to localhost[10334] 2021-03-19 11:27:14.538 INFO 8730 --- [ main] o.s.g.c.a.ClusterAwareConfiguration : Cluster was found; Auto-configuration made [2] successful connection(s) 2021-03-19 11:27:14.538 INFO 8730 --- [ main] o.s.g.c.a.ClusterAwareConfiguration : Spring Boot application is running in a client/server topology using a standalone Apache Geode-based cluster
This confirms that without adding any additional code, the application was able to connect to our Geode Cluster.
Building an Application with Spring Boot for Apache Geode.
Spring Boot for Apache Geode is very powerful and robust. We recommend looking at the Spring Boot for Apache Geode documentation and examples for your next steps in working with this dependency.
Additional Resources
Apache Geode Native Clients
To begin using the Apache Geode Native Clients, you must first build the Apache Geode Native Client libraries from the source code.
You can download the Apache Geode Native Source code here
, then refer to the BUILDING.md
file in the source release to compile the libraries.
Apache Geode Native .NET Client
Put, Get and Remove with Apache Geode Native .NET Client (C#)
using System;
using Apache.Geode.Client;
namespace Apache.Geode.Examples.PutGetRemove
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var cache = new CacheFactory()
.Set("log-level", "none")
.AddLocator("localhost", 10334)
var regionFactory = cache.CreateRegionFactory(RegionShortcut.PROXY)
var region = regionFactory.Create<string, string>("example_userinfo");
Console.WriteLine("Storing id and username in the region");
const string rtimmonsKey = "rtimmons";
const string rtimmonsValue = "Robert Timmons";
const string scharlesKey = "scharles";
const string scharlesValue = "Sylvia Charles";
region.Put(rtimmonsKey, rtimmonsValue);
region.Put(scharlesKey, scharlesValue);
Console.WriteLine("Getting the user info from the region");
var user1 = region.Get(rtimmonsKey, null);
var user2 = region.Get(scharlesKey, null);
Console.WriteLine(rtimmonsKey + " = " + user1);
Console.WriteLine(scharlesKey + " = " + user2);
Console.WriteLine("Removing " + rtimmonsKey + " info from the region");
if (region.Remove(rtimmonsKey))
Console.WriteLine("Info for " + rtimmonsKey + " has been deleted");
Console.WriteLine("Info for " + rtimmonsKey + " has not been deleted");
Additional Resources
- Apache Geode Native Client Examples GitHub Repo
- Apache Geode Native .NET Client Documentation
- Apache Geode Native Client .NET API Reference
Apache Geode Native C++ Client
Put, Get, and Remove with Apache Geode Native C++ Client
#include <iostream>
#include <geode/CacheFactory.hpp>
#include <geode/PoolManager.hpp>
#include <geode/RegionFactory.hpp>
#include <geode/RegionShortcut.hpp>
using namespace apache::geode::client;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
auto cache = CacheFactory()
.set("log-level", "none")
.addLocator("localhost", 10334)
auto regionFactory = cache.createRegionFactory(RegionShortcut::PROXY);
auto region = regionFactory.setPoolName("pool").create("example_userinfo");
std::cout << "Storing id and username in the region" << std::endl;
region->put("rtimmons", "Robert Timmons");
region->put("scharles", "Sylvia Charles");
std::cout << "Getting the user info from the region" << std::endl;
auto user1 = region->get("rtimmons");
auto user2 = region->get("scharles");
std::cout << " rtimmons = "
<< std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CacheableString>(user1)->value()
<< std::endl;
std::cout << " scharles = "
<< std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CacheableString>(user2)->value()
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "Removing rtimmons info from the region" << std::endl;
if (region->existsValue("rtimmons")) {
std::cout << "rtimmons's info not deleted" << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "rtimmons's info successfully deleted" << std::endl;
Additional Resources