Executing gfsh Commands through the Management API
You can also use management APIs to execute gfsh commands programmatically.
If you start the JMX Manager programmatically and wish to enable command processing, you must also add the absolute path of gfsh-dependencies.jar
(located in $GEMFIRE/lib
of your Geode installation) to the CLASSPATH of your application. Do not copy this library to your CLASSPATH because this library refers to other dependencies in $GEMFIRE/lib
by a relative path. The following code samples demonstrate how to process and execute gfsh
commands using the Java API.
First, retrieve a CommandService instance.
Note: The CommandService API is currently only available on JMX Manager nodes.
// Get existing CommandService instance or create new if it doesn't exist
commandService = CommandService.createLocalCommandService(cache);
// OR simply get CommandService instance if it exists, don't create new one
CommandService commandService = CommandService.getUsableLocalCommandService();
Next, process the command and its output:
// Process the user specified command String
Result regionListResult = commandService.processCommand("list regions");
// Iterate through Command Result in String form line by line
while (regionListResult.hasNextLine()) {
Alternatively, instead of processing the command, you can create a CommandStatement Object from the command string which can be re-used.
// Create a command statement that can be reused multiple times
CommandStatement showDeadLocksCmdStmt = commandService.createCommandStatement
("show dead-locks --file=deadlock-info.txt");
Result showDeadlocksResult = showDeadLocksCmdStmt.process();
// If there is a file as a part of Command Result, it can be saved
// to a specified directory
if (showDeadlocksResult.hasIncomingFiles()) {
showDeadlocksResult.saveIncomingFiles(System.getProperty("user.dir") +