execute function
Execute functions on members or regions.
execute function
Execute the function with the specified ID. By default, the function executes on all members.
Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh
to a JMX Manager member to use this command.
execute function --id=value [--groups=value(,value)*]
[--members=value(,value)*] [--region=value]
[--arguments=value(,value)*] [--result-collector=value] [--filter=value]
‑‑id | Required. ID of the function to execute. |
‑‑groups | One or more groups of members on which this function should be executed. |
‑‑members | Name/ID of the member(s) on which the function will be executed. |
‑‑region | Region on which the data dependent function will be executed. |
‑‑arguments | Arguments to the function in comma separated string format. |
‑‑result-collector | Fully qualified class name of the ResultCollector to instantiate for gathering results. |
‑‑filter | Key list which causes the function to only be executed on members which have entries with these keys. |
Table 1. Execute Function Parameters
Example Commands:
execute function --id=InterestCalculations --region=/InterestRegion
execute function --id=InterestCalculations --members=server1
execute function --id=InterestCalculations --groups=Group1