Display details of a member’s configuration, shell connection, disk-stores, members, or regions.
Displays details about a specified client.
Display the configuration of a member.
Display connection information details.
Display information about a member’s disk store.
Display information about the configuration of a JNDI binding.
Display information about a Lucene index.
Display details of a member with given name/id.
Display information about an offline member’s disk store.
Display information about the configuration of the query service.
Display the attributes and key information of a region.
describe client
Displays details about a specified client.
Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh
to a JMX Manager member to use this command.
describe client --clientID=value
Parameters, describe client:
Name | Description |
‑‑clientID | Required. ID of the client. To find a client ID, you can use the list clients command to display a list of connected clients and their IDs. |
Example Commands:
describe client --clientID=
Sample Output:
gfsh>describe client --clientID=
Primary Servers :<v1>:15189
Secondary Servers :<v2>:39082
CPU : 0
Number of Cache Listner Calls : 0
Number of Gets : 0
Number of Misses : 0
Number of Puts : 0
Number of Threads : 0
Process CPU Time (nanoseconds) : 0
Queue size : 1
UP Time (seconds) : 67
Is Durable : No
describe config
Display the configuration of a member.
Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh
to a JMX Manager member to use this command.
describe config --member=value [--hide-defaults(=value)?]
Parameters, describe config:
Name | Description | Default Value |
‑‑member | Name or ID of a member whose configuration is to be shown. | |
‑‑hide-defaults | Whether to hide configuration information for properties with the default value. | true |
Example Commands:
describe config --member=Member1;
Sample Output:
gfsh>describe config --member=server1
Configuration of member : "server1"
JVM command line arguments
GemFire properties defined using the API
log-file : vf.gf.server.log
name : server1
GemFire properties defined at the runtime
log-level : finest
statistic-sampling-enabled : true
Cache attributes
is-server : true
Cache-server attributes
. bind-address : localhost
describe connection
Display connection information details.
Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh
to a JMX Manager member to use this command.
describe connection
Example Commands:
describe connection
Sample Output:
gfsh>describe connection
Connection Endpoints
describe disk-store
Display information about a member’s disk store.
Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh
to a JMX Manager member to use this command.
describe disk-store --member=value --name=value
Parameters, describe disk-store:
Name | Description |
‑‑member | Required. Name/ID of the member with the disk store to be described. |
‑‑name | Required. Name of the disk store to be described. |
Example Commands:
describe disk-store --member=server1 --name=DiskStore1
Sample Output:
gfsh>describe disk-store --name=disk1 --member=server1
Disk Store ID : a531bc7b-5188-4510-85d7-de7de30c6671
Disk Store Name : disk1
Member ID : ubuntu(server1:7467)<v1>:35249
Member Name : server1
Allow Force Compaction : No
Auto Compaction : Yes
Compaction Threshold : 50
Max Oplog Size : 1024
Queue Size : 0
Time Interval : 1000
Write Buffer Size : 32768
Disk Usage Warning Percentage : 90
Disk Usage Critical Percentage : 99
PDX Serialization Meta-Data Stored : No
Disk Directory | Size
------------------------------- | ----------
/home/user/server1/DiskStore1 | 2147483647
describe jndi-binding
Print the configuration information that describes a JDBC connection.
Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh
to a JMX Manager member to use this command.
describe jndi-binding --name=value
Parameters, describe jndi-binding:
Name | Description |
‑‑name | Required. Name of the JNDI binding to be described. |
Example Commands:
describe jndi-binding --name=jndi1
Sample Output:
gfsh>describe jndi-binding --name=jndi1
Property | Value
----------------- | ------------------------------------
type | SimpleDataSource
jndi-name | jndi1
jdbc-driver-class | org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
user-name |
connection-url | jdbc:derby:newDB
describe lucene index
Describe a Lucene index.
See also create lucene index, destroy lucene index, list lucene indexes and search lucene.
Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh
to a JMX Manager member to use this command.
describe lucene index --name=value --region=value
Parameters, describe lucene index:
Name | Description |
‑‑name | Required. Name of the Lucene index to describe |
‑‑region | Required. Name and path of the region in which the Lucene index exists |
Example Commands:
gfsh>describe lucene index --name=personIndex --region=/Person
Sample Output:
gfsh>describe lucene index --name=personIndex --region=/Person
Index Name | Region Path | Indexed Fields | Field Analyzer | Status | Query Executions | Updates | Commits | Documents
----------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------- | -------------- | ----------- | ---------------- | ------- | ------- | ---------
personIndex | /Person | [name, email, address, streetAddress, revenue] | {} | Initialized | 339 | 1008 | 962 | 1004
gfsh>describe lucene index --name=analyzerIndex --region=/Person
Index Name | Region Path | Indexed Fields | Field Analyzer | Status | Query Executions | Updates | Commits | Documents
------------- | ----------- | ---------------------- | ------------------------------------- | ----------- | ---------------- | ------- | ------- | ---------
analyzerIndex | /Person | [address, name, email] | {address=MyCharacterAnalyzer, email.. | Initialized | 1695 | 1008 | 962 | 1004
describe member
Display details of a member with given name/id.
Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh
to a JMX Manager member to use this command.
describe member --name=value
Parameters, describe member:
Name | Description |
‑‑name | Required. Display information about a member, including name, ID, groups, regions, etc. |
Example Commands:
describe member --name=server1
Sample Output:
gfsh>describe member --name=server1
Name : server1
Id : GemFireUser(server1:240)<v1>:64871
Host :
Regions : region4
PID : 240
Groups :
Used Heap : 5M
Max Heap : 123M
Working Dir : c:\PivotalGemFire70\Latest\server1
Log file : C:\PivotalGemFire70\Latest\server1\vf.gf.server.log
Locators : localhost[10334]
Server Bind : localhost
Server Port : 40404
Running : true
Client Connections : 0
describe offline-disk-store
Display information about an offline member’s disk store.
Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh
to a JMX Manager member to use this command.
describe offline-disk-store --name=value --disk-dirs=value(,value)* [--pdx=value] [--region=value]
Parameters, describe offline-disk-store:
Name | Description |
‑‑name | Required. Name of the disk store to be described. |
‑‑disk-dirs | Required. Directory that contains the disk store files. |
‑‑pdx | If set (or set to true), display all the pdx types stored in the disk store. |
‑‑region | Name and path of the region in the disk store to be described. |
Example Commands:
describe offline-disk-store --name=DiskStore1\
describe offline-disk-store --name=DiskStore1 --disk-dirs=/DiskDir1 --pdx=true
Sample Output:
gfsh>describe offline-disk-store --name=DiskStore1 --disk-dirs=/DiskDir1 --pdx=true
Regions in the disk store:
/PdxTypes: -lru=none -concurrencyLevel=16 -initialCapacity=16 -loadFactor=0.75 -compressor=none -statisticsEnabled=false
/Region1: -lru=none -concurrencyLevel=16 -initialCapacity=16 -loadFactor=0.75 -compressor=none -statisticsEnabled=false
PDX Types:
com.app.data.PositionPdx: id=1
long avg20DaysVol;
String bondRating;
double convRatio;
String country;
double delta;
long industry;
long issuer;
double mktValue;
double qty;
String secId; // identity
String secIdIndexed;
String secLinks;
double sharesOutstanding;
String underlyer;
long volatility;
int pid;
int portfolioId;
com.app.data.StockPdx: id=2
int ID; // identity
String pkid;
Object position1;
Object position2;
Object positions;
Object collectionHolderMap;
String type;
String status;
String[] names;
String description;
long createTime;
Object[] position3;
Object aDay;
Date date;
PDX Enums:
describe query-service
Print the information that describes the current configuration of the query service.
Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh
to a JMX Manager member to use this command.
describe query-service
Example Commands:
describe query-service
Sample Output:
gfsh>describe query-service
Method Authorizer Class : org.apache.geode.cache.query.security.JavaBeanAccessorMethodAuthorizer
describe region
Display the attributes and key information of a region.
Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh
to a JMX Manager member to use this command.
describe region --name=value
Parameters, describe region:
Name | Description |
‑‑name | Required. Name/Path of the region to be described. |
Example Commands:
describe region --name=region1
Sample Output:
gfsh>describe region --name=Region1
Name : Region1
Data Policy : persistent replicate
Hosting Members : server-5
Non-Default Attributes Shared By Hosting Members
Type | Name | Value
------ | --------------- | --------------------
Region | data-policy | PERSISTENT_REPLICATE
| disk-store-name | DiskStore1
| size | 0
| scope | distributed-ack
Name : Region1
Data Policy : empty
Accessor Members : server-1
Non-Default Attributes Shared By Accessor Members
Type | Name | Value
------ | ----------- | ---------------
Region | data-policy | EMPTY
| size | 0
| scope | distributed-ack