Running Pulse in Embedded Mode (Quick Start)
Use Pulse in embedded mode to monitor a Geode deployment directly from a Geode JMX Manager. By default, the embedded Pulse application connects to the local JMX Manager that hosts the Pulse application. Optionally, configure Pulse to connect to a Geode system of your choice.
To run Pulse in embedded mode:
Configure a Geode member to run as a JMX Manager node, specifying the HTTP port on which you will access the Pulse Web application (port 7070 by default). For example, the following command starts a Geode locator as a JMX Manager node, using the default HTTP port 7070 for the Pulse application:
gfsh gfsh> start locator --name=loc1
Note: Geode locators become JMX Manager nodes by default. To start a non-locator member as a JMX Manager node, include the
option. To specify a non-default port number for the HTTP service that hosts the Pulse application, include the--J=-Dgemfire.http-service-port=port_number
option when starting the JMX Manager node.When the JMX Manager node boots, it starts an embedded Jetty instance and deploys the Pulse Web application at the specified or default HTTP port or 7070 by default.
automatically connects to the manager when you start it in this way. If you already started a manager process earlier, use theconnect
command ingfsh
to connect to that process.Access the embedded Pulse application from a Web browser. If you are connected to the Geode cluster using gfsh, use the
start pulse
command to load the correct URL in your browser:gfsh> start pulse
Or, enter the URL http://address:http-service-port/pulse directly in your Web browser, substituting the address and HTTP port of the manager. For example, you access Pulse on the local locator machine from Step 1 at the URL http://localhost:7070/pulse.
If you have configured authentication for the Pulse application, enter the username and password of a valid Pulse account in the login screen. Otherwise, enter the default “admin” in both fields. Click Sign In to continue.
After you log in, Pulse displays the main cluster view for the local cluster. See Using Pulse Views.
Note: When running in embedded mode, the Pulse application connects only to the JMX Manager running in the locator or member that hosts Pulse. This enables you to monitor all members of that cluster. You can also view (but not monitor) connected WAN clusters, and can view gateway senders and receivers that are configured in the local cluster.