Apache Geode CHANGELOG

Managing a Cache in a Secure System

To create a cache in a secured system, authentication at connection time will require credentials. Authorization permits operations as configured.

These steps demonstrate a programmatic cache creation.

  1. To create the cache:

    1. Add necessary security properties to the gemfire.properties or gfsecurity.properties file, to configure for your particular security implementation. Examples:

    2. When you create your cache, pass any properties required by your security implementation to the cache factory create call by using one of these methods:

      • ClientCacheFactory or CacheFactory set methods. Example:

        ClientCache clientCache = new ClientCacheFactory()
            .set("security-username", username)
            .set("security-password", password)
      • Properties object passed to the ClientCacheFactory or CacheFactory create method. These are usually properties of a sensitive nature that you do not want to put inside the gfsecurity.properties file. Example:

        Properties properties = new Properties();
        properties.setProperty("security-username", username);
        properties.setProperty("security-password", password);
        Cache cache = new CacheFactory(properties).create();

        Note: Properties passed to a cache creation method override any settings in either the gemfire.properties file or gfsecurity.properties.

  2. Close your cache when you are done, using the close method of the ClientCache instance or the inherited close method of the Cache instance. Example:
