Log Messages and Solutions
- above heap eviction threshold
- below heap eviction threshold
- above heap critical threshold
- Query execution canceled after exceeding max execution time
- Query execution canceled due to memory threshold crossed in system
- There are <n> stuck threads in this node
- Thread <n> is stuck
- Thread <n> that was executed at <time> has been stuck for <nn> seconds
- Disconnecting old DistributedSystem to prepare for a reconnect attempt
- Attempting to reconnect to the DistributedSystem. This is attempt #n
- Unable to form a TCP/IP connection in a reasonable amount of time
- Received Suspect Message
- <n> Seconds Have Elapsed
- Member isn’t responding to heartbeat requests
- Enabled-network-partition-detection is set to false
- Statistics sampling thread detected a wakeup delay
- Redundancy has dropped below <n> configured copies
- Rejected connection
- PCC service metrics component failing to connect to locator/server
- SSLHandshakeException: <version> is disabled
- Unable To Create New Native Thread
- Too Many Open Files
- CommitConflictException
- Initialization of Region <_B__RegionName_BucketNumber> Completed
- Unknown pdx Type error
- Error calculating expiration
- PdxType limitations for GFSH queries
- Apache.Geode.Client.AllConnectionsInUseException
- org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInitializationException
- Format of the string <<cache xml file’s content>> used for parameterization is unresolvable
- RegionExistException
- Missing Diskstore Exception
- Could not create an instance of a class
- PartitionedRegion#cleanupFailedInitialization: Failed to clean the PartitionRegion allPartitionedRegions
- Could not find any server to create primary client queue on.
- Cluster configuration service not available
- The secondary map already contained an event from hub null so ignoring new event
- Create is present in more than one Oplog. This should not be possible. The Oplog Key ID for this entry is
- Detected conflicting PDX types during import
- A tenured heap garbage collection has occurred
- Allocating larger network read buffer
- Socket send buffer size is <m> instead of the requested <n>
- quorum has been lost
- possible loss of quorum due to the loss of <n> cache processes
- Membership service failure: Exiting due to possible network partition event due to loss of cache processes
- <member> had a weight of <n>
- An additional Function Execution Processor thread is being launched
- Sending new view
- Received new view
- Admitting member
- Member at <memberIP> unexpectedly left the distributed cache
- Cache server: failed accepting client connection
- Remote host closed connection during handshake
- SSL peer shut down incorrectly
- Function: <functionName> cannot be executed because the members [list of members] are running low on memory
- Region <regionName> bucket <n> has persistent data that is no longer online stored at these locations
- Region has potentially stale data. Buckets [list] are waiting for another offline member
This section provides explanations of Geode Log messages with potential resolutions.
Depending on how your system is configured, log files can be found in a number of locations. See Log File Locations and Naming, Searching, and Creating Log Files for more information.
above heap eviction threshold
Log Message:
[info 2021/03/23 16:00:13.721 EDT xxx-server01 <Notification Handler> tid=0x5d] Member:
xxx(xxx-server01:29847)<v9>:11096 above heap eviction threshold
Log Level: info
Category: Heap GC
This message requires action to remain healthy. The live objects are driving heap consumption above your threshold for collecting heap. This is not a good state, as you will either be prematurely destroying data or overflowing it to disk, which can overwhelm the disk.
Potential Resolutions:
NOTE: Geode eviction is not truly compatible with G1GC given how G1GC behaves and how eviction assumes that garbage will be collected.
You should consider increasing the total heap. This will increase tenured space, and potentially eliminate these messages. You can also increase your eviction-threshold percentage, but this can risk growing heap to the point where you encounter heap fragmentation issues.
below heap eviction threshold
Log Message:
[info 2021/03/23 16:00:43.438 EDT xxx-server01 <Notification Handler> tid=0x5d] Member:
xxx(xxx-server01:29847)<v9>:11096 below heap eviction threshold
Log Level: info
Category: Heap GC
You are now below the eviction threshold, after having been above the threshold.
Potential Resolutions:
Follow the guidance provided in the “above heap eviction threshold” message.
above heap critical threshold
Log Message:
[error 2020/06/23 03:43:48.796 EDT <Notification Handler1> tid=0xa4] Member:
xxx(xxx-server-2:119506)<v2>:10102 above heap critical threshold. Event generated via
polling. Used bytes: 26508001280. Memory thresholds: MemoryThresholds@[2041517395
maxMemoryBytes:26843545600, criticalThreshold:95.0,
criticalThresholdBytes:25501368320, criticalThresholdClearBytes:24964497408,
evictionThreshold:85.0, evictionThresholdBytes:22817013760,
Log Level: error
Category: Heap GC
This message requires URGENT action. You are in danger of Geode distributed system issues where a member, or members, may be kicked out with potential major business impact. The live objects are driving heap consumption above your critical threshold, so either garbage collection is proving ineffective or your usage has increased unexpectedly, taking you to much higher levels of heap consumption. Take action immediately if you ever see this, even if you were not negatively impacted at the time.
Potential Resolutions:
If you do not already have Geode eviction in place, acting as a level of protection to keep heap consumption lower, consider incorporating some flavor of eviction. G1GC and other newer collectors are not really compatible with HEAP_LRU eviction, so you would need to incorporate entry count or memory-based eviction.
Generally, being above the critical threshold means that you likely need to increase your total heap. If you have the critical-threshold set relatively low given your heap size, you could consider increasing this value. Having a critical-threshold of 90%, for example, with a 30g heap is too low. This is essentially wasting 3g of heap acting purely as overhead protection.
The recommendation is to set the critical-threshold to see the percentage high enough such that you have a maximum of 1g of overhead. This means that setting the critical-threshold to 98 would be completely fine for a 100g heap. If you are seeing tenured heap growth with no entry count growth over time, this is likely indicative of a leak. You will need to take heap dumps and analyze them to determine why the heap is growing. It could be only temporary, if queries are running and driving heap consumption, but this should resolve itself, since Geode will terminate queries and eliminate that garbage.
If you are using G1GC, it is possible that you are not setting your InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent low enough. The default of 45 is too high, so consider trying 30% to see if the tenured heap behavior becomes more stable.
Query execution canceled after exceeding max execution time
Log Message:
[info 2021/02/05 03:56:08.087 EST xxx<QueryMonitor Thread> tid=0x3d9] Query execution
canceled after exceeding max execution time 600000ms. Query String = SELECT * FROM
/xxx);isCancelled = true; Total Executions = 3045391; Total Execution Time = 0
Log Level: info
Category: Operations
The query is taking longer than the configured execution time (600,000ms, in this example). Perhaps it was a rogue query. Perhaps you are short of the system resources needed to accommodate the current level of activity, including this query.
Potential Resolutions:
If this persists over time, then the query is likely taking too long independent of the current system state, so you may need to increase the configured time by setting the Geode system property, “gemfire.MAX_QUERY_EXECUTION_TIME”, to something higher in order to allow the query to complete. If this property is not set, the query will never timeout unless you are using the resource manager, in which case it will timeout in 5 hours. This property does provide some protection against a really problematic query or set of queries, but requires you to understand what is driving the query times to know how high to set it.
Perhaps the query did not incorporate the use of a configured index, or indexes, for some reason. In order to obtain this deeper understanding, you can incorporate verbose logging for your queries by setting the Geode system property, “gemfire.Query.VERBOSE”.
Query execution canceled due to memory threshold crossed in system
Log Message:
[warning 2018/03/02 09:33:44.516 EST xxx <ServerConnection on port 40401 Thread 24>
tid=0x1a9] Server connection from [identity(xxx(14:loner):x:x,connection=2;
port=33218]: Unexpected Exception
org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryExecutionLowMemoryException: Query execution
canceled due to memory threshold crossed in system, memory used: 23,540,738,136
Log Level: warning
Category: Operations
Very self explanatory here. A query was canceled because some member or members have crossed the
critical-threshold configured in the system. To protect the member(s) from running out of memory,
the query is terminated. The message indicates the number of
Potential Resolutions:
The root cause for the heap issues needs to be investigated. Perhaps it is simply the need for more total heap. Perhaps GC activity is not collecting garbage effectively, which happens especially with some G1GC configurations. Perhaps it is a rogue query driving much more new object activity than expected, or running too long such that the tenured heap becomes much more full than normal behavior.
You could increase the critical-threshold to some higher percentage, but that may just delay the inevitable. You could configure your regions to use the eviction-threshold, which will protect the system in many cases of hitting such high levels of heap surpassing the critical-threshold configured.
There are <n> stuck threads in this node
Thread <n> is stuck
Thread <n> that was executed at <time> has been stuck for <nn> seconds
Log Message:
[warning 2021/04/06 00:16:51.743 EDT rtp <ThreadsMonitor> tid=0x11] There are <13>
stuck threads in this node
[warning 2021/04/06 00:17:51.737 EDT rtp <ThreadsMonitor> tid=0x11] Thread <51392> is
[warning 2021/04/06 00:17:51.738 EDT rtp <ThreadsMonitor> tid=0x11] Thread <51392>
that was executed at <06 Apr 2021 00:16:12 EDT> has been stuck for <99.119 seconds>
and number of thread monitor iteration <2>
Thread Name <poolTimer-gemfire-pool-35493>
Thread state <WAITING>
Waiting on <java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock$NonfairSync@cae7911>
Owned By <Function Execution Thread-2410> and ID <50995>
Executor Group <ScheduledThreadPoolExecutorWithKeepAlive>
Monitored metric <ResourceManagerStats.numThreadsStuck>
Log Level: warning
Category: Operations
These messages requires URGENT action, to determine whether any issues exist. It is very possible that there are no real issues, but it is also possible this is the beginning of a major issue that could snowball to impact the entire cluster. These messages require deeper investigation.
Potential Resolutions:
First, if you only see this issue rarely, or only for a single iteration, it is almost certainly not an issue. The word “stuck” here may be misleading. The messages are saying that it appears that this thread has been doing the same thing for a while, so it may be stuck. Some tasks, such as taking backups, doing exports, or running a rebalance, may appear to be “stuck” when in reality they are simply doing the same thing over and over as it progresses, like moving a bucket. While it may appear that we are still moving buckets, it’s probably a different bucket each time.
A key indicator that a thread is truly stuck is the number of iterations, as indicated in the “has been stuck” message above. If you know that the operation is not one that should take so long, and you see an iteration of <10> or higher, you should certainly open a ticket and we can dig deeper. Such tickets will always require thread dumps, multiples, across all cache servers. If you see that <13> stuck threads in this node message, the issue is likely snowballing and starting to impact this node, and the cluster could be next.
Gather artifacts, and take action. Perhaps a bounce of members, one at a time, for members showing stuck threads, would be prudent. Identifying which member to bounce can be difficult. That said, it is often possible, by analyzing the “15 seconds have elapsed” messages in your logs. This is described more in the Seconds have elapsed message in this document.
Disconnecting old DistributedSystem to prepare for a reconnect attempt
Attempting to reconnect to the DistributedSystem. This is attempt #n
Log Message:
[info 2021/09/21 22:45:37.863 EDT <ReconnectThread> tid=0x7f0d] Disconnecting old
DistributedSystem to prepare for a reconnect attempt
Log Level: info
Category: Membership
These messages are related, and may require action if you are not aware of why the member has been disconnected. This is often due to some instability in the distributed system caused by either network issues or GC related pauses.
Potential Resolutions:
Examine the logs of the member that is being forced out of the system. Perhaps the member became unresponsive. Look for other logging with keywords such as “elapsed”, “wakeup”, or “heartbeat”, all relatively unique words which can be searched for to proactively find potential issues. If any of these are discovered, GC tuning is likely needed.
Unable to form a TCP/IP connection in a reasonable amount of time
Log Message:
[info 2021/09/03 10:31:16.311 CDT <Timer-3> tid=0x79] Performing availability check
for suspect member aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd(member:5301)<v256>:41000 reason=Unable to form a
TCP/IP connection in a reasonable amount of time
Log Level: info, warning, fatal : Depending on the particular situation
Category: Membership
This message usually coincides with the availability check logging associated with suspect members. It should be investigated further by searching for other messages that may give more indication.
This specific message, if not accompanied by other “wakeup” or “heartbeat” messages, generally indicates that a member may have crashed unexpectedly, without warning. If, however, no member has crashed, the suspect member was able to respond during suspect processing and may no longer be at risk. Still, this definitely requires action to determine if you remain vulnerable to repeated occurrences.
Potential Resolutions:
This message alone doesn’t generally reveal how to proceed to eliminate issues. That said, a deep analysis of the logs for other significant related messages may be helpful, and following the potential resolutions for those could help to reduce or eliminate these messages.
Received Suspect Message
Log Message:
debug 2021/02/08 05:53:04.634 IST <member-43596> tid=0x2a] Suspecting member XXX(server1:40875)<v13>:41004
[info 2021/02/08 05:53:04.634 IST <member-43596> tid=0x2a] No longer suspecting<v13>:41004
[info 2021/03/29 06:46:56.304 EDT <Geode Failure Detection thread 162> tid=0x474f0c]
received suspect message from myself for XXX(YYY-server1:15972)<v16>:40000: SOME
Log Level: info
Category: Membership
This message requires action. You are in danger of having a member kicked out of the distributed system, as it was already being “suspected” of being a problem for some unknown reasons that require investigation. Continuing to see these indicates that you are definitely not seeing optimal behavior or performance, and the system is thrashing with many messages thinking some member or members are unhealthy.
Potential Resolutions:
The “no longer suspecting” message is really an indication that the member is now considered healthy. However, it also means that the member was considered unhealthy and some member initiated “suspect” processing to determine if we should kick out the member to preserve the integrity and stability of the cluster. You will generally see suspect messages, shown above, for all members, as we send these out across the cluster to gather opinions. Ultimately, if the coordinator finds the member to be unresponsive within member-timeout seconds, the coordinator will kick out the member.
To take action, check the “Reason” seen in some of the logs, and take action accordingly. If this is rare, it is likely not an issue. If frequent, however, you definitely want to research and tune the system to eliminate these messages. If you are seeing the “no longer suspecting” message, that means that you should also see the “Suspecting member” message shown above. However, depending on your version of Geode, It may require debug level logging to see that message.
<n> Seconds Have Elapsed
Log Message:
[warn 2021/04/11 02:03:53.220 EDT <ServerConnection on port 10230 Thread 120>
tid=0xac97] 20 seconds have elapsed while waiting for replies:
<PRFunctionStreamingResultCollector 29058 waiting for 1 replies from [XXX]> on
YYY<v18>:10104 whose current membership list is: [LIST OF ALL MEMBERS]
[warn 2021/03/16 02:35:18.588 EDT <Timer-0> tid=0x2e] 15 seconds have elapsed waiting
for a response from XXX:14412)<v6>:40001 for thread ServerConnection on port 20102
Thread 592638
[warn 2021/04/15 03:30:59.107 EDT <main> tid=0x1] 15 seconds have elapsed while
waiting for replies: <DLockRequestProcessor 115 waiting for 1 replies from
[XXX(8582)-server2:68148)<v2>:41000]> on YYY<v2>:41001 whose current membership list
Log Level: warning
Category: Membership
This message requires action. It is not necessarily urgent, but it is an indication that the messaging is taking much longer than expected between peers in your environment. The number of seconds displayed likely maps to the ack-wait-threshold in your environment, which defaults to 15 seconds. Some customers increase this setting, but it is recommended that you understand your environment first and only increase it if deemed necessary after attempting to correct any underlying causes of delays in communications.
Potential Resolutions:
This could be driven by GC related delays, JVM Pauses, burst of activity causing high peer to peer activity, threading issues, overwhelming CPU, etc. You could check for high replyWaitsInProgress across all nodes using JMX or stats analysis. If this is rare, it is not a likely cause for concern. If you are seeing this while experiencing high latency, it is likely an area to focus on. To analyze such issues, we will need all logs, stats, and gc logs across all members to identify which member or members is driving the slowdown.
NOTE: If many members have these messages, while another member does not appear to be waiting for replies from anybody, it is very likely that member is the source of the issue. After analysis to gather some information, you could try bouncing that member to see if this restores the other members to a healthier state.
Member isn’t responding to heartbeat requests
Log Message:
[info 2021/03/29 06:46:56.304 EDT <Geode Failure Detection thread 162> tid=0x474f0c]
received suspect message from myself for XXX(YYY-server1:15972)<v16>:40000: Member
isn't responding to heartbeat requests
[info 2021/02/21 00:38:33.436 GMT <unicast receiver,XXX-19638> tid=0x31] received
suspect message from YYY(cacheServer33010:16994)<v73>:33100 for
ZZZ(gcacheServer33010:27406)<v74>:33100: Member isn't responding to heartbeat
[info 2021/02/21 00:38:33.440 GMT <Geode Failure Detection thread 10> tid=0x32f]
Performing availability check for suspect member
XXX(cacheServer33010:27406)<v74>:33100 reason=Member isn't responding to heartbeat
Log Level: info
Category: Membership
This message requires immediate action. You are in danger of having a member kicked out of the distributed system due to being unresponsive. If the member continues to be unresponsive, the distributed system will kick out the member, to restore stability for the remaining members.
Potential Resolutions:
This is often related to a suboptimal heap and/or GC configuration. You could be experiencing JVM Pauses that require tuning. If you frequently see these messages without having the member kicked out, you have opportunities to tune and eliminate these messages. Alternatively, you could also increase the member-timeout property, however this is only suggested when you have full understanding of what is driving the member to be unresponsive to the heartbeat requests from the member monitoring it.
This message often corresponds with “suspect” messages, and members getting kicked out of the cluster. Logs, stats, and GC logs will be required in order to understand what is going on in this situation.
Enabled-network-partition-detection is set to false
Log Message:
[warning 2021/09/11 08:01:41.089 EDT locatorIS2 <Pooled Message Processor 1>
tid=0x48] Creating persistent region _ConfigurationRegion, but
enable-network-partition-detection is set to false. Running with network partition
detection disabled can lead to an unrecoverable system in the event of a network
Log Level: warning
Category: Membership
This is a warning that you have chosen a configuration that makes you more susceptible to data consistency issues if you experience a network partition, or “split brain”. If you do choose this configuration and experience network issues that create a “split brain” scenario, where your distributed system splits into two separate distributed systems (DS), then it is possible that your data will diverge. Specifically, you could do puts into a region in DS A that do not make it into DS B, while also doing puts into DS B that do not make it into DS A. Geode will be unable to resolve this situation for you as you try to recover the system back into a single, healthy DS.
Potential Resolutions:
The best option is to choose to keep enable-network-partition-detection set to true. Beyond that, any split brain driven data divergence will require your manual intervention to avoid possible data loss.
Statistics sampling thread detected a wakeup delay
Log Message:
[warning 2021/02/09 21:37:44.728 EST member-49001 <StatSampler> tid=0x36] Statistics
sampling thread detected a wakeup delay of 40203 ms, indicating a possible resource
issue. Check the GC, memory, and CPU statistics.
Log Level: warning
Category: Membership
URGENT action is needed. You are experiencing JVM Pauses, where the JVM is preventing Geode from running at all for the given amount of time. This is only logged when the delay is at least 3 seconds more than your configured statistic-sample-rate. You are vulnerable to having members kicked out of the distributed system.
Potential Resolutions:
This is almost always caused by GC related behavior. To diagnose such issues, make sure to enable GC logging in your environment. If you have GC logs, search for “Full GC”, “concurrent mode failure”, “exhausted”, and other similar issues that drive long pauses. If you do open a ticket for assistance, please have Geode logs, stats, and GC logs ready to provide them prior to opening the ticket.
If this is urgent and you need immediate resolution without having time to fine tune GC, one possible temporary patch is to increase the member-timeout in the gemfire.properties file. This would make Geode more tolerant of processes being somewhat unresponsive for longer durations.
Redundancy has dropped below <n> configured copies
Log Message:
[warning 2021/03/23 09:26:51.641 EDT XXX-server01 <PartitionedRegion Message
Processor20> tid=0x1d66] Redundancy has dropped below 2 configured copies to 1 actual
copies for /RegionXYZ
[info 2021/03/23 09:26:51.798 EDT XXX-server01 <PartitionedRegion Message
Processor20> tid=0x1d66] Configured redundancy of 2 copies has been restored to
Log Level: warning
Category: Membership
This message requires immediate action to determine if you are now vulnerable to data loss. This message indicates that you have lost access to 1 of the 2 configured copies of your data for that RegionXYZ on member XXX-server01. It is not necessarily urgent if you have redundancy configured and capacity for the remaining members to handle the increased load. The corresponding “has been restored” message, an info level message also shown above, indicates that you now are back to your healthy environment with redundancy in place for that RegionXYZ from the perspective of this member.
Potential Resolutions:
Investigate the cause of the loss in redundancy if it’s not already known. It could simply have been a planned maintenance that drove the cluster below configured redundancy levels. The settings that generally apply here are the number of copies configured, and then, the recovery-delay and startup-recovery-delay settings, which control whether and when we restore redundancy with the loss of a member of the distributed system and when it is added back in. Our documentation discusses these settings in detail.
Rejected connection
Log Message:
[warning 2021/05/10 12:28:31.063 BST gfcache.ivapp1237223.croydon.ms.com.7291
<Handshaker /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:7291 Thread 10> tid=0xa29] Rejected connection from XXX
because current connection count of 1,600 is greater than or equal to the configured
max of 1,600
[warn 2021/03/28 02:22:01.667 CDT <Handshaker Thread 23>
tid=0x85cf] Rejected connection from Server connection from [client host address=YYY;
client port=43198] because incoming request was rejected by pool possibly due to
thread exhaustion
Log Level: warning
Category: Communications
This message requires URGENT action. These messages indicate that you have exhausted resources, likely either due to using an insufficient max-connections setting for the cache server configuration or insufficient resources for the level of connection load on the system. Both of these messages are from the same area of code, trying to handle a new client connection request.
Potential Resolutions:
If you have increased load recently, or are using an old, legacy default value of 800 for max-connections, you may want to consider increasing this setting, regardless. Many customers use 2000, or even 5000 for those that do not want Geode to be throttling their performance/activity trying to conserve resources.
That said, if this number of connections is unexpected, you are potentially experiencing issues with connection timeouts, driving retry activity and a thrashing of resources that can cause the number of outstanding client connections and threads to be exhausted. You can observe this by examining Geode statistics using a tool like VSD, or, if using JMX, you can monitor usage with the CacheServeMXBean getClientConnectionCount() method. If you ever see unexpected spikes in this value, but are not seeing other symptoms, such as timeouts, perhaps you simply need to increase the max-connections appropriately.
However, if seeing these messages coincides with symptoms like client side timeouts, it could be due to an insufficient read-timeout in the client side pool configuration, or an insufficient accept queue on the server side. Another setting that warrants investigation is the BridgeServer.HANDSHAKE_POOL_SIZE. If you have not altered this setting in your system properties, you are likely using the default value of 4, which has been seen to be insufficient for many environments. Recommend increasing this Geode system property to at least 20.
PCC service metrics component failing to connect to locator/server
Log Message:
status 1","event":"failed","output":"IOException error! MBeanServerConnection failed
to create.\njava.io.IOException: Failed to retrieve RMIServer stub:
javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException [Root exception is
java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:
nested exception is: \n\tjava.net.ConnectException: Connection refused (Connection
refused)]\nException in thread \"main\" java.lang.NullPointerException\n\tat
Category: Communications
Every VM in PCC for locators or servers has its own service-metrics component. The job of this component is to periodically check the health of the Geode server/locator processes running. The way it does that job is by making an RMI call to the JMX manager. When it cannot connect to the locator/server process, it starts logging these errors in its own log.
SSLHandshakeException: <version> is disabled
Log Message:
[warn 2021/04/26 15:44:52.418 EDT kbc000100.rw.example.com <P2P message reader@388969b8> tid=0x3a] SSL handshake exception
javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: <<ssl_version>> is disabled
at sun.security.ssl.InputRecord.handleUnknownRecord(InputRecord.java:637)
at sun.security.ssl.InputRecord.read(InputRecord.java:527)
at sun.security.ssl.EngineInputRecord.read(EngineInputRecord.java:382)
at sun.security.ssl.SSLEngineImpl.readRecord(SSLEngineImpl.java:951)
at sun.security.ssl.SSLEngineImpl.readNetRecord(SSLEngineImpl.java:896)
at sun.security.ssl.SSLEngineImpl.unwrap(SSLEngineImpl.java:766)
at javax.net.ssl.SSLEngine.unwrap(SSLEngine.java:624)
at org.apache.geode.internal.net.NioSslEngine.handshake(NioSslEngine.java:148)
at org.apache.geode.internal.net.SocketCreator.handshakeSSLSocketChannel(SocketCreator.java:840)
at org.apache.geode.internal.tcp.Connection.createIoFilter(Connection.java:1747)
at org.apache.geode.internal.tcp.Connection.readMessages(Connection.java:1548)
at org.apache.geode.internal.tcp.Connection.run(Connection.java:1472)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
Category: Communications
This means the specified SSL/TLS protocol is not compatible with, or configured correctly, on one or more members. The simplest workaround is to use “any’’ as the protocol, however, some customers have strict security requirements that mandate specific versions and ciphers, which will require that all members are configured with compatible (matching) protocols and ciphers and that those protocols/ciphers are supported by the underlying JRE.
Unable To Create New Native Thread
Log Message:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread
Log Level: warning
Category: Heap / JVM / GC
The JVM needs various resources to create a new ‘native’ thread, which may not map one-to-one with application threads. These resources are external to the JVM heap and include “native” memory for the stack and, potentially, user processes.
Potential Resolution:
Depending on the resource limit encountered, you may need to increase the maximum number of user processes as configured with ulimit and/or “/etc/security/limits.conf”, or you may not have sufficient system memory. In the latter case, you will need to make more system memory available and/or decrease the amount of stack memory used per thread. If you have excess, unused heap under even heavy load, you may be able to reduce the heap size and leave more memory for “native” usage.
Alternatively, you might be able to decrease the stack size of each thread, by setting the JVM parameter “-xss” to something smaller (the defaults are 320 KB for 32-bit JVMs and 1024 KB for 64-bit JVMs), but this must be done with care as it can cause threads to not have enough stack to properly operate. The last and safest option is to add free memory to the system by either adding memory or reducing other consumers of system memory (e.g. other applications).
Too Many Open Files
Log Message:
java.net.SocketException: Too many open files (Socket creation failed/Accept failed)
Log Level: warning
Category: Communications
The number of sockets available to your applications is governed by operating system limits. Sockets use file descriptors and the operating system’s view of your application’s socket use is expressed in terms of file descriptors.
Potential Resolution:
There are two limits on the maximum descriptors available to a single application, a soft limit, which can be increased using the ulimit command as a user, and a “hard” limit which will require editing “/etc/security/limits.conf” and relogging in. (There is also an OS level limit that will require a system administrator to tune kernel parameters, however, this limit is typically large and is rarely hit.) It is also possible that the FD’s being consumed are being driven by a major increase of connections/threads due to some burst of activity or connections timing out. This can lead to retry activity driving the number of open files to increase. If you increase the soft and hard limits, and continue to observe these messages, you may need to analyze whether you have connections timing out, sufficient TCP accept queue, etc. This can require an increase of the p2p.backlog and net.core.somaxconn settings.
Log Message:
org.apache.geode.cache.CommitConflictException: Concurrent transaction commit
detected The key xxx in region /xxx was being modified by another transaction locally
Log Level: warning
Category: Operations
You design transactions such that any get operations are within the transaction. This causes those entries to be part of the transactional state, which is desired such that intersecting transactions can be detected and signal commit conflicts. You have to catch the commit conflicts in your code like this:
try {
// add your codes here
catch (CommitConflictException conflict) {
// entry value changed causing a conflict, so try again
} finally {
//add your codes here
Initialization of Region <_B__RegionName_BucketNumber> Completed
Log Message:
[info 2021/03/28 00:41:20.047 EDT <Recovery thread for bucket _B__RegionName_32>
tid=0x164] Region _B__RegionName_32 requesting initial image from
[info 2021/03/28 00:41:20.048 EDT <Recovery thread for bucket _B__RegionName_32>
tid=0x164] _B__RegionName_32 is done getting image from
IP(gemfire-server-1:88590)<v19>:10100. isDeltaGII is true
[info 2021/03/28 00:41:20.048 EDT <Recovery thread for bucket
_B__firm_0_RegionName_32> tid=0x164] Region _B__RegionName_32 initialized persistent
id: /IP:/pathTo-server-1/cldist created at timestamp 1616906479201 version 0
diskStoreId DiskStoreid name null with data from
[info 2021/03/28 00:41:20.048 EDT <Recovery thread for bucket _B__RegionName_32>
tid=0x164] Could not initiate event tracker from GII provider
[info 2021/03/28 00:41:20.048 EDT <Recovery thread for bucket _B__RegionName_32>
tid=0x164] Initialization of region _B__RegionName_32 completed
Log Level: info
Category: Membership
This set of messages are related to the initialization of Partitioned regions. They indicate where the Geode system is retrieving each bucket from to perform this initialization. In the above example, bucket 32 for region “RegionName” is being retrieved from member gemfire-server-1 as Geode believes this to be the most recent data for that bucket. This is the “requesting initial image” message above. The “Initialization of region <> completed message can be useful to determine where each specific bucket, for each specific region, is located across the membership.
Potential Resolution:
There is no “resolution” here, but customers have asked how to determine where each bucket exists across the cluster. Using the above message can be very useful to filter the logs to see exactly where each bucket exists in the cluster, for each region. One could use a command such as one like this: egrep -R --include=\*.log 'Initialization of region _B__RegionName_’ ~/PathToLogFiles//gflogs/*
The above command could tell you exactly where each bucket exists for region RegionName. If you use only Initialization of region _B__
instead, this would then output the buckets across all partitioned regions. This output could then be used to know where each specific bucket exists across the cluster, to serve whatever purpose you deem helpful in monitoring your cluster. There does exist some great documentation and project for how to identify where buckets are located in this article: https://community.pivotal.io/s/article/GemFire-Monitoring-PR-Entry-and-Bucket-Details.
Unknown pdx Type error
Log Message:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unknown pdx type=X
at com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.InternalDataSerializer.readPdxSerializable(InternalDataSerializer.java:2977)
at com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.InternalDataSerializer.basicReadObject(InternalDataSerializer.java:2794)
at com.gemstone.gemfire.DataSerializer.readObject(DataSerializer.java:3212)
at com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.util.BlobHelper.deserializeBlob(BlobHelper.java:81)
at com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.EntryEventImpl.deserialize(EntryEventImpl.java:1407)
at com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.PreferBytesCachedDeserializable.getDeserializedValue(PreferBytesCachedDeserializable.java:65)
at com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.internal.index.DummyQRegion.getValues(DummyQRegion.java:153)
at com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.internal.index.DummyQRegion.values(DummyQRegion.java:109)
at com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.internal.index.DummyQRegion.iterator(DummyQRegion.java:198)
at com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.internal.index.CompactRangeIndex$IMQEvaluator.doNestedIterations(CompactRangeIndex.java:1763)
at com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.internal.index.CompactRangeIndex$IMQEvaluator.evaluate(CompactRangeIndex.java:1622)
... 27 more
Log Level: Error
Category: Operations
A Portable Data eXchange (PDX) related exception that may occur when restarting a distributed system without also restarting any clients. When using PDX serialization without persistence, the above exception may be seen on a client after bouncing all of the servers of the distributed system without restarting the client. Generally, this message indicates that the PDX metadata on some client is out-of-sync with the servers.
Potential Resolution:
To avoid this issue without persisting PDX types on server members, you must restart your client application when restarting the servers. Alternately, to avoid this issue without restarting your client application, you must enable PDX persistence on servers. By doing this, you are guaranteed that any already defined PDX types will remain available between server restarts. This doesn’t require storing the data from your regions, you can store only PDX metadata, regions data, or both. Below mentioned is an example of how to configure PDX persistence on the server side:
<disk-store name="pdxDiskStore">
<pdx read-serialized="true" persistent="true" disk-store-name="pdxDiskStore"/>
Error calculating expiration
Log Message:
2021-06-02 12:35:26,071 FATAL o.a.g.i.c.LocalRegion [Recovery thread for bucket _B__gdc__eventsLow_50] Error calculating expiration An IOException was thrown while deserializing
org.apache.geode.SerializationException: An IOException was thrown while deserializing
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.EntryEventImpl.deserialize(EntryEventImpl.java:2041) ~[geode-core-9.10.5.jar:?]
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.EntryEventImpl.deserialize(EntryEventImpl.java:2032) ~[geode-core-9.10.5.jar:?]
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.VMCachedDeserializable.getDeserializedValue(VMCachedDeserializable.java:113) ~[geode-core-9.10.5.jar:?]
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.LocalRegion.getDeserialized(LocalRegion.java:1280) ~[geode-core-9.10.5.jar:?]
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.ExpiryRegionEntry.getValue(ExpiryRegionEntry.java:101) ~[geode-core-9.10.5.jar:?]
at com.ihg.enterprise.gdc.model.CustomExpiryHandler.getExpiry(CustomExpiryHandler.java:19) ~[gdc-gemfire-side-2.26-jar-with-dependencies.jar:?]
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.LocalRegion.createExpiryTask(LocalRegion.java:7774) ~[geode-core-9.10.5.jar:?]
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.LocalRegion.addExpiryTask(LocalRegion.java:7901) ~[geode-core-9.10.5.jar:?]
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.LocalRegion.addExpiryTask(LocalRegion.java:7753) ~[geode-core-9.10.5.jar:?]
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.LocalRegion.lambda$rescheduleEntryExpiryTasks$3(LocalRegion.java:7741) ~[geode-core-9.10.5.jar:?]
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.ExpiryTask.doWithNowSet(ExpiryTask.java:480) [geode-core-9.10.5.jar:?]
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.LocalRegion.rescheduleEntryExpiryTasks(LocalRegion.java:7739) [geode-core-9.10.5.jar:?]
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.LocalRegion.initialize(LocalRegion.java:2394) [geode-core-9.10.5.jar:?]
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.DistributedRegion.initialize(DistributedRegion.java:1099) [geode-core-9.10.5.jar:?]
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.BucketRegion.initialize(BucketRegion.java:259) [geode-core-9.10.5.jar:?]
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.LocalRegion.createSubregion(LocalRegion.java:983) [geode-core-9.10.5.jar:?]
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.PartitionedRegionDataStore.createBucketRegion(PartitionedRegionDataStore.java:784) [geode-core-9.10.5.jar:?]
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.PartitionedRegionDataStore.grabFreeBucket(PartitionedRegionDataStore.java:459) [geode-core-9.10.5.jar:?]
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.PartitionedRegionDataStore.grabBucket(PartitionedRegionDataStore.java:2875) [geode-core-9.10.5.jar:?]
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.ProxyBucketRegion.recoverFromDisk(ProxyBucketRegion.java:463) [geode-core-9.10.5.jar:?]
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.ProxyBucketRegion.recoverFromDiskRecursively(ProxyBucketRegion.java:406) [geode-core-9.10.5.jar:?]
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.PRHARedundancyProvider$2.run2(PRHARedundancyProvider.java:1640) [geode-core-9.10.5.jar:?]
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.partitioned.RecoveryRunnable.run(RecoveryRunnable.java:60) [geode-core-9.10.5.jar:?]
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.PRHARedundancyProvider$2.run(PRHARedundancyProvider.java:1630) [geode-core-9.10.5.jar:?]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [?:1.8.0_212]
Caused by: java.io.IOException: Unknown header byte 83
at org.apache.geode.internal.serialization.DscodeHelper.toDSCODE(DscodeHelper.java:40) ~[geode-serialization-9.10.5.jar:?]
at org.apache.geode.internal.InternalDataSerializer.basicReadObject(InternalDataSerializer.java:2494) ~[geode-core-9.10.5.jar:?]
at org.apache.geode.DataSerializer.readObject(DataSerializer.java:2864) ~[geode-core-9.10.5.jar:?]
at org.apache.geode.internal.util.BlobHelper.deserializeBlob(BlobHelper.java:99) ~[geode-core-9.10.5.jar:?]
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.EntryEventImpl.deserialize(EntryEventImpl.java:2039) ~[geode-core-9.10.5.jar:?]
... 24 more
Log Level: Warning
Category: Storage
Potential Resolution:
This is due to inconsistencies in the data stored on region/disk vs. the PdxType and may throw during deserialization. Cleaning the data or syncing it according to PdxType is a possible solution.
PdxType limitations for GFSH queries
Log Message:
[info 2021/06/15 13:01:24.238 EDT 170834GFCluster.sd-1d7e-bd1c.cacheServer40404 <Function Execution Processor3> tid=0x7b] Exception occurred:
org.apache.geode.pdx.JSONFormatterException: Could not create JSON document from PdxInstance
at org.apache.geode.pdx.JSONFormatter.toJSON(JSONFormatter.java:173)
at org.apache.geode.management.internal.cli.domain.DataCommandResult$SelectResultRow.valueToJson(DataCommandResult.java:726)
at org.apache.geode.management.internal.cli.domain.DataCommandResult$SelectResultRow.resolveStructToColumns(DataCommandResult.java:712)
at org.apache.geode.management.internal.cli.domain.DataCommandResult$SelectResultRow.resolveObjectToColumns(DataCommandResult.java:689)
at org.apache.geode.management.internal.cli.domain.DataCommandResult$SelectResultRow.createColumnValues(DataCommandResult.java:679)
at org.apache.geode.management.internal.cli.domain.DataCommandResult$SelectResultRow.<init>(DataCommandResult.java:662)
at org.apache.geode.management.internal.cli.functions.DataCommandFunction.createSelectResultRow(DataCommandFunction.java:266)
at org.apache.geode.management.internal.cli.functions.DataCommandFunction.select_SelectResults(DataCommandFunction.java:252)
at org.apache.geode.management.internal.cli.functions.DataCommandFunction.select(DataCommandFunction.java:220)
at org.apache.geode.management.internal.cli.functions.DataCommandFunction.select(DataCommandFunction.java:173)
at org.apache.geode.management.internal.cli.functions.DataCommandFunction.execute(DataCommandFunction.java:122)
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.MemberFunctionStreamingMessage.process(MemberFunctionStreamingMessage.java:193)
at org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.DistributionMessage.scheduleAction(DistributionMessage.java:367)
at org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.DistributionMessage$1.run(DistributionMessage.java:430)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java)
at org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.ClusterDistributionManager.runUntilShutdown(ClusterDistributionManager.java:952)
at org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.ClusterDistributionManager.doFunctionExecutionThread(ClusterDistributionManager.java:806)
at org.apache.geode.internal.logging.LoggingThreadFactory.lambda$newThread$0(LoggingThreadFactory.java:121)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: PdxInstance returns unknwon pdxfield value for type Wed Apr 07 00:00:00 EDT 2021
at org.apache.geode.pdx.internal.json.PdxToJSON.writeValue(PdxToJSON.java:144)
at org.apache.geode.pdx.internal.json.PdxToJSON.getJSONString(PdxToJSON.java:175)
at org.apache.geode.pdx.internal.json.PdxToJSON.writeValue(PdxToJSON.java:138)
at org.apache.geode.pdx.internal.json.PdxToJSON.getJSONString(PdxToJSON.java:175)
at org.apache.geode.pdx.internal.json.PdxToJSON.writeValue(PdxToJSON.java:138)
at org.apache.geode.pdx.internal.json.PdxToJSON.getJSONString(PdxToJSON.java:175)
at org.apache.geode.pdx.internal.json.PdxToJSON.writeValue(PdxToJSON.java:138)
at org.apache.geode.pdx.internal.json.PdxToJSON.getJSONString(PdxToJSON.java:175)
at org.apache.geode.pdx.internal.json.PdxToJSON.writeValue(PdxToJSON.java:138)
at org.apache.geode.pdx.internal.json.PdxToJSON.getJSONString(PdxToJSON.java:175)
at org.apache.geode.pdx.internal.json.PdxToJSON.getJSON(PdxToJSON.java:57)
at org.apache.geode.pdx.JSONFormatter.toJSON(JSONFormatter.java:171)
... 19 more
Log Level: INFO
Category: Operations
Potential Resolution:
Other than primitive types like object types (String, Character, Date etc.) will not be deserialized on GFSH queries.
Log Message:
In StdOut/StdError on Client Side:
Region::getAll: All connections are in use
Apache.Geode.Client.Region`2[[System.__Canon, mscorlib],[System.__Canon, mscorlib]].GetAll(System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1<System.__Canon>, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2<System.__Canon,System.__Canon>, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2<System.__Canon,System.Exception>, Boolean)
Apache.Geode.Client.Region`2[[System.__Canon, mscorlib],[System.__Canon, mscorlib]].GetAll(System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1<System.__Canon>, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2<System.__Canon,System.__Canon>, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2<System.__Canon,System.Exception>)
Category: Operations
This is evidence of the connection pool getting overwhelmed on the client side and not a problem on the Geode server side. Resolution: Increase the max-connections property to higher value as appropriate on pool settings on native client.
Log Message: / Stack-trace / StdError:
The Cache Server process terminated unexpectedly with exit status 1. Please refer to the log file in /appdata/gemfire/edl/data/server for full details.
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInitializationException: Could not create pdx registry
at org.apache.geode.pdx.internal.PeerTypeRegistration.initialize(PeerTypeRegistration.java:204)
at org.apache.geode.pdx.internal.TypeRegistry.creatingDiskStore(TypeRegistry.java:267)
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.DiskStoreFactoryImpl.create(DiskStoreFactoryImpl.java:160)
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.xmlcache.CacheCreation.createDiskStore(CacheCreation.java:792)
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.xmlcache.CacheCreation.initializePdxDiskStore(CacheCreation.java:783)
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.xmlcache.CacheCreation.create(CacheCreation.java:507)
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.xmlcache.CacheXmlParser.create(CacheXmlParser.java:338)
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.GemFireCacheImpl.loadCacheXml(GemFireCacheImpl.java:4294)
Category: Operations
This explains that the PdxRegion is not getting initialized due to the corrupted cluster configs.
Potential Resolution:
Stop locator(s), then clear the cluster configs/pdx disk stores and, finally, start the locator(s). KB exists: https://community.pivotal.io/s/article/Fails-to-Start-a-Cache-Member-with-orgapachegeodepdxPdxInitializationException-Could-not-create-pdx-registry?language=en_US.
Format of the string <<cache xml file’s content>> used for parameterization is unresolvable
Note: the spelling “perameterization” is wrong in the codebase https://github.com/apache/geode/blob/a5bd36f9fa787d3a71c6e6efafed5a7b0fe52d2b/geode-core/src/main/java/org/apache/geode/internal/cache/xmlcache/CacheXmlPropertyResolver.java#L125. Working to report & fix this.
Log Message:
[error 2021/09/08 11:42:16.830 EDT <main> tid=0x1] Format of the string <?xml version="1.0"?>
<cache xmlns="http://geode.apache.org/schema/cache"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://geode.apache.org/schema/cache http://geode.apache.org/schema/cache/cache-1.0.xsd"
<gateway-sender id="GW_SENDER_${REMOTE_DS_ID_1}" remote-distributed-system-id="${REMOTE_DS_ID_1}" manual-start="${GW_START_ID_1}" parallel="false" enable-persistence="true" disk-store-name="gw1" disk-synchronous="true" dispatcher-threads="5" socket-read-timeout="300000"/>
<gateway-sender id="GW_SENDER_${REMOTE_DS_ID_2}" remote-distributed-system-id="${REMOTE_DS_ID_2}" manual-start="${GW_START_ID_2}" parallel="false" enable-persistence="true" disk-store-name="gw2" disk-synchronous="true" dispatcher-threads="5" socket-read-timeout="300000"/>
<gateway-receiver hostname-for-senders="${HOSTNAME_FOR_SENDERS}" bind-address="${HOSTNAME}" start-port="1531" end-port="1532"/>
used for parameterization is unresolvable
[error 2021/09/08 11:42:17.260 EDT <main> tid=0x1] Cache initialization for GemFireCache[id = -29791992; isClosing = false; isShutDownAll = false; created = Wed Sep 08 11:39:37 EDT 2021; server = false; copyOnRead = false; lockLease = 120; lockTimeout = 60] failed because: java.lang.NullPointerException
Category: Configuration
This error occurs when the parameterized values are provided for the properties/attributes. For example, manual-start="${GW_START_ID_1}"
. This property expects boolean, but seems to be getting some non-boolean value.
Potential Resolution:
Fix the errors for incorrect values or their types when provided dynamically.
Log Message:
[error 2021/09/29 11:25:48.885 CDT <main> tid=0x1] Cache initialization for
GemFireCache[id = 755944228; isClosing = false; isShutDownAll = false; created = Wed
Sep 29 11:25:46 CDT 2021; server = false; copyOnRead = false; lockLease = 120;
lockTimeout = 60] failed because: org.apache.geode.cache.CacheXmlException: While
parsing XML, caused by org.xml.sax.SAX
Exception: A CacheException was thrown while parsing XML.
org.apache.geode.cache.RegionExistsException: /RegionX
Log Level: Error
Category: Configuration
This message indicates that the locator already has region (RegionX) in the cluster configuration and while starting up, a duplicate region is being created via API or cache.xml.
Potential Resolutions:
Remove duplicate region definition from the configurations.
If “enable-cluster-configuration=true” in locator properties, then do the following:
- Export the cluster configuration (
export cluster-configuration --xml-file=value
) - Remove the duplicate Region definition
- Re-import the cluster configuration (
import cluster-configuration --action=STAGE
) and restart.
- Export the cluster configuration (
If “enable-cluster-configuration=false” in locator properties, then remove the duplicate region definition from cache.xml.
Missing Diskstore Exception
Log Message:
Region /RegionX has potentially stale data.
It is waiting for another member to recover the latest data.
My persistent id:
DiskStore ID: 6893751ee74d4fbd-b4780d844e6d5ce7
Name: server1
Location: /
Members with potentially new data:
DiskStore ID: 160d415538c44ab0-9f7d97bae0a2f8de
Name: server2
Location: /
Use the "gfsh show missing-disk-stores" command to see all disk stores
that are being waited on by other members.
Log Level: Info
Category: Storage
When you start a member with a persistent region, the data is retrieved from disk stores to recreate the member’s persistent region. If the member does not hold all of the most recent data for the region, then other members have the data, and region creation blocks, waiting for those other members. A partitioned region with colocated entries also blocks on start up, waiting for the entries of the colocated region to be available. So, this message shows that the disk store for server2 has the most recent data for the region, and server1 is waiting for server2.
Potential Resolutions:
- Start all members with persisted data first and at the same time.
- Respond to the waiting members by starting the server on which the waiting member is waiting on.
Could not create an instance of a class
Log Message:
Could not create an instance of a class com.xxx.yyy.zzz
Log Level: Error
Category: Configuration
This message indicates that either the class is not available in the classpath or the jar, which contains this class, is not deployed on Cache servers.
Potential Resolutions:
- Make the class available to classpath.
- Deploy the class on cache servers.
PartitionedRegion#cleanupFailedInitialization: Failed to clean the PartitionRegion allPartitionedRegions
Log Message:
[warning 2021/05/15 08:51:46.460 EDT 170834GFCluster.lmwcpbacap01p.cacheServer50506
<main> tid=0x1] PartitionedRegion#cleanupFailedInitialization: Failed to clean the
PartionRegion allPartitionedRegions
org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystemDisconnectedException: Distribution
manager on<v1>:50001 started at Sat May 15
08:44:31 EDT 2021: Failed to acknowledge a new membership view and then failed tcp/ip
connection attempt, caused by org.apache.geode.ForcedDisconnectException: Failed to
acknowledge a new membership view and then failed tcp/ip connection attempt
Log Level: Error
Category: Membership
This message indicates that the buckets for partitioned regions have not recovered fully but a destroy region is issued for the regions whose buckets are still recovering.
Potential Resolutions:
Make sure that regions are recovered before issuing any destroy command.
Could not find any server to create primary client queue on.
Log Message:
[error 2016/09/13 10:45:29.351 PDT client tid=0x34] Could not find any server to
create primary client queue on. Number of excluded servers is 0 and the exception is
Log Level: Error
Category: Communications
When a client with subscription-enabled=“true” is started, messages like below will be logged in the Geode client log. If subscription-redundancy is not set, there will be one of these; if it is set to 1, there will be two, etc. The Cache Client Updater Thread is the thread waiting for events from the server. If no other server is available to which the Cache Client Updater Thread is connected, then above error message will be logged:
Potential Resolutions:
Make sure that the server, to which the Cache Client Updater Thread is connected, is up and running.
Cluster configuration service not available
Log Message:
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.geode.GemFireConfigException: cluster configuration service not available
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.GemFireCacheImpl.requestSharedConfiguration(GemFireCacheImpl.java:1265)
Log Level: Error
Category: Configuration
This message indicates that the cache server is configured with, “use-cluster-configuration = true”, but is unable to get the cluster configuration from the locator.
Potential Resolutions:
Ensure that the locator has “enable-cluster-configuration=true” and the cache servers are able to get the cluster configurations from locators.
The secondary map already contained an event from hub null so ignoring new event
Log Message:
[warn 2021/09/10 15:49:31.692 CEST <P2P message reader for<v2>:41001 unshared ordered uid=1086 dom #1 port=39166>
tid=0x247bb] AsyncEventQueue_SubstitutionEventQ: The secondary map already contained
an event from hub null so ignoring new event GatewaySenderEventImpl[id=EventID[id=25
Log Level: Warn
Category: Operations
This message indicates that the secondary gateway sender, hosted by a server, received an event that was already processed by the primary gateway sender of other server B; so the event itself shouldn’t be added to the internal map of unprocessed events.
Potential Resolutions:
This message, if seen occasionally, is harmless in most situations.
Create is present in more than one Oplog. This should not be possible. The Oplog Key ID for this entry is
Log Message:
java.lang.AssertionError: Oplog::readNewEntry: Create is present in more than one Oplog. This should not be possible
Log Level: Error
Category: Storage
This error indicates that the oplog is corrupted which makes it harder to write/delete any new entry in the oplogs (Diskstores) because of which cache servers will have trouble starting.
Potential Resolutions:
Clean up the disk stores.
Detected conflicting PDX types during import
Log Message:
Could not process command due to error. Detected conflicting PDX types during import
Log Level: Error
Category: Operations
When data is imported into a cluster with pdx serialization with existing data using gfsh import/export command and if the receiving cluster already has some data with different pdx metadata, the import will fail with the error.
Potential Resolutions:
Import data in the empty cluster or programmatically read the .gfd file and then perform the put operation.
A tenured heap garbage collection has occurred
Log Message:
[info 2021/10/13 17:14:56.177 EDT memberXXX <Notification Handler1> tid=0x69] A
tenured heap garbage collection has occurred. New tenured heap consumption:
Log Level: Info
Category: Heap/GC/JVM/OS
This message occurs when a tenured space garbage collection has occurred. The goal is to provide the customer with a very accurate read for how much heap is actually consumed. External monitors do not know when a collection has occurred. The value specified is how much live data exists in tenured heap.
If you see this value constantly increasing over time, without a similar rate of increase of Geode entries, then this warrants some investigation into potential leaks. Short term increases due to queries, for example, are not worthy of concern, other than providing an indication that finer tuning may be warranted. The short term data resulting from a query would hopefully be fulfilled using the young generation heap, most of the time.
Potential Resolutions:
No resolution necessary. This is informative only. If you see this message frequently, however, it is a sign that you may need more heap, or finer tuning. You may be imbalanced unknowingly, etc. If seeing this message more frequently than every 1 hour, consistently, it is a sign that you may need tuning. Note: G1GC “mixed” collections may not drive this message, unless you are using more current versions of the JDK.
Allocating larger network read buffer
Log Message:
[info 2021/10/13 17:14:56.177 EDT locator <P2P message reader for<v1>:41001 shared unordered sender uid=1 local port=42181
remote port=57345> tid=0x4c] Allocating larger network read buffer, new size is
134074 old size was 32768.
Log Level: Info
Category: Communications
This may require configuration change, to give more optimal behavior. If you have different socket-buffer-sizes across the various members of your distributed system, including locators, this message may be a sign that messages are potentially being lost. This can lead to distributed deadlocks. This message essentially means that the system is needing to grow and shrink to handle the messaging between the members.
Potential Resolutions:
Set all members, including locators, to the same socket-buffer-size. If you have seen this message, and appear to be impacted in the system, it may warrant some deeper analysis of the health of the system. Check for stuck threads, potentially gather thread dumps, to assess whether you are impacted.
Socket send buffer size is <m> instead of the requested <n>
Log Message:
[info 2021/11/19 13:51:47.569 PST server1 <P2P message reader@75099de0> tid=0x30]
Socket send buffer size is 6710884 instead of the requested 16777215.
Log Level: Info
Category: Communications
This may require configuration change, to give more optimal behavior. This message tells you that your Geode configuration is specifying a larger socket-buffer-size that the lower OS is going to permit. Hence, you see this message, and perhaps less than optimal behavior.
Potential Resolutions:
Make sure to set all members OS configurations to be the same, similar enough to avoid having this less than optimal potential chunking of messages when sending messages between members of the Geode distributed system.
quorum has been lost
Log Message:
[warn 2021/12/03 23:02:41.026 EST <Geode Membership View Creator> tid=0x347] total
weight lost in this view change is 65 of 111. Quorum has been lost!
Log Level: warn
Category: Membership
Meaning: This message requires URGENT attention. It is closely associated with other messages, but indicates that the membership is very unhealthy, and you have potentially lost your entire cluster, or are having some “split brain” behavior, etc.
The above example message shows that a total weight of 65 has been lost, out of 111. This is greater than 50% of the weight, in one view change, hence driving the loss of quorum. When this much weight has been lost, it is generally something affecting the network connectivity, versus a GC event. Please read our extensive documentation on member weight, network partitions, etc.
Potential Resolutions:
It depends mostly on how many members have been removed, and it is possible that the entire cluster
has gone down as a result of this loss of quorum. If you have
, as we recommend, it is possible to lose the entire cluster
if you see the above message. If most of the membership weight has crashed, for example, the losing
side doesn’t know that, but the losing side (i.e. the side with less weight) will shut itself down,
even though it includes the only still running members. Restart members to restore your cluster to
full health, and determine the root cause for why so many members crashed simultaneously.
possible loss of quorum due to the loss of <n> cache processes
Log Message:
[fatal 2021/12/03 23:02:41.027 EST <Geode Membership View Creator> tid=0x347]
Possible loss of quorum due to the loss of 6 cache processes: [<list of the ip’s and
Log Level: fatal
Category: Membership
Meaning: This is very closely tied to the “quorum has been lost” message. They will often go hand in hand, and potentially even out of order, where you will see the “possible loss” after the “has been lost” message.
Potential Resolutions:
Follow the guidance provided in the, “quorum has been lost,” message. We definitely recommend having enable-network-partition-detection=true set to protect you from split brain driving the data in your split (now 2) distributed systems from diverging and becoming unrecoverable without manual intervention.
Membership service failure: Exiting due to possible network partition event due to loss of cache processes
Log Message:
[fatal 2021/12/03 23:02:42.028 EST <Geode Membership View Creator> tid=0x347]
Membership service failure: Exiting due to possible network partition event due to
loss of 6 cache processes: [<list of the 6 cache processes lost, in this example>]
Note: This message generally comes with a full stack trace showing the forceDisconnect.
Log Level: fatal
Category: Membership
Meaning: This message requires URGENT attention. It is closely associated with other loss of quorum messages, but indicates that the membership is very unhealthy, and you have potentially lost your entire cluster, or are having some “split brain” behavior, etc.
Potential Resolutions:
Follow the guidance provided in the, “quorum has been lost,” message. We definitely recommend having enable-network-partition-detection=true set to protect you from split brain driving the data in your split (now 2) distributed systems diverging and becoming unrecoverable without manual intervention. Do some research to determine whether some network event drove the Geode cluster into this state due to an inability to communicate across the distributed system.
<member> had a weight of <n>
Log Message:
[info 2021/12/09 23:19:55.100 EST memberXXX <Geode Membership View Creator> tid=0x57]
memberXXX)<v36>:50001 had a weight of 10
Log Level: info
Category: Membership
Meaning: This message indicates that a member has either crashed, or has been kicked out of the distributed system. By default, locators have a weight of 3, LEAD cache server has a weight of 15, and other cache servers have a weight of 10. In the example message, given the weight of 10, you would know that the member that has been kicked out is a non-lead cache server. Depending on your topology, and the number of members in your distributed system, the loss of one such cache server may not impact you much at all.
Potential Resolutions:
You certainly want to understand the cause of the member leaving the distributed system. If you have auto reconnect enabled, as you would by default, the member may rejoin automatically, unless it is a crash. If the member was kicked out due to being unresponsive, it may have auto-reconnected, restoring you to a fully running cluster. That said, you likely need to run a rebalance to evenly distribute data, or primary buckets if using partitioned regions. You may require GC tuning, etc. If you do not understand the cause of the membership change, you should reach out for assistance.
An additional Function Execution Processor thread is being launched
Log Message:
[warn 2021/12/01 21:29:56.689 EST memberXXX2 <Function Execution Processor1>
tid=0x27] An additional Function Execution Processor thread is being launched because
all <n> thread pool threads are in use for greater than <t> ms
Log Level: warn
Category: Operations
Meaning: This requires some action to achieve optimal behavior. If you see this message, it means that your normal behavior requires more than the configured number of function execution threads, set using DistributionManager.MAX_FE_THREADS. The default has increased recently, but if you see this message, regardless of the current setting
Potential Resolutions:
If you see this message, then you should increase your DistributionManager.MAX_FE_THREADS configured setting, ,until you have eliminated such messages. You may want to consider the same for your DistributionManager.MAX_THREADS and DistributionManager.MAX_PR_THREADS settings, if not recently updated based on your current operations and load in the system.
Sending new view
Received new view
Admitting member
Log Message:
[info 2021/11/20 00:05:31.381 EST gbe-louweblps175(8551)-locator1 <Geode Membership
View Creator> tid=0xd34] sending new view View[<coordinator member
info>:48414:locator)<ec><v314>:41000|342] members: [<current member list>] shutdown:
[<member that shut down>:42306)<v315>:41003]
[info 2021/09/29 01:41:30.472 EDT <memberXXX> tid=0x1d] received new view:
View[<coordinator member>)<ec><v0>:50000|5] members: [list of members, indicating
shutdown, crashed members] old view is: <previous view information, including list of
members and state>
[info 2021/12/01 21:36:21.966 EST DCS-DCS-CLUSTER- <View
Message Processor1> tid=0x3c] Admitting member <<memberXXX:26842)<v6>:10131>. Now
there are 6 non-admin member(s).
Log Level: info
Category: Membership
Meaning: These messages can be very helpful to understand who the coordinator of the Distributed System is, the lead cache server member, and the change in state of the membership, whether members are leaving or joining the distributed system. This will include the cause of leaving, whether a “graceful” shutdown, or a “crash”. You will only ever see the “Sending new view” message in the current coordinator of the system at that time. All members receive this view, and admit the member to the membership list. You only have a full membership when you see the expected number of non-admin members, six in the above, “Now there are 6 non-admin member(s),” example.
Potential Resolutions:
These are informational only, but if you do see unexpected membership changes, which drive these “new view” messages, you can search the logs for these messages to see whether it was considered graceful, a crash, etc., and look for other logging messages which likely provide additional insight.
Member at <memberIP> unexpectedly left the distributed cache
Log Message:
[info 2022/01/11 04:35:34.242 EST <View Message Processor1> tid=0x89] Member at
<memberXXX>:3853)<v11>:10104 unexpectedly left the distributed cache: departed
membership view
Log Level: info
Category: Membership
Meaning: This message is an indication that a member has experienced a non-graceful removal from the distributed system. This will then correspond with “new view” messages being sent to all members of the DS, showing the member in the list of “crashed” members.
Potential Resolutions:
This specific message doesn’t tell you much other than the change in ownership. Search for other messages across the cluster which may indicate the reason, such as being unresponsive. Perhaps it’s due to not responding to “heartbeat” messages. WIth auto reconnect, it is possible that the membership has been restored to a full membership, but it’s also important to check on the balance of data and load. A rebalance may be prudent to restore the balance in the system. This includes redistributing primary buckets for partitioned regions, which is generally a good idea after any changes in ownership, when time permits.
Cache server: failed accepting client connection
Remote host closed connection during handshake
SSL peer shut down incorrectly
Log Message:
[warn 2021/12/01 21:26:11.216 memberXXX <Handshaker / Thread 8831> tid=0x2d19e] Cache server: failed accepting client connection javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Remote host closed connection during handshake
javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Remote host closed connection during handshake
at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.readRecord(SSLSocketImpl.java:994)
at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.performInitialHandshake(SSLSocketImpl.java:1367)
at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.startHandshake(SSLSocketImpl.java:1395)
at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.startHandshake(SSLSocketImpl.java:1379)
at org.apache.geode.internal.net.SocketCreator.handshakeIfSocketIsSSL(SocketCreator.java:1094)
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.tier.sockets.AcceptorImpl.getCommunicationModeForNonSelector(AcceptorImpl.java:1559)
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.tier.sockets.AcceptorImpl.handleNewClientConnection(AcceptorImpl.java:1431)
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.tier.sockets.AcceptorImpl.lambda$handOffNewClientConnection$4(AcceptorImpl.java:1342)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
Caused by: java.io.EOFException: SSL peer shut down incorrectly
at sun.security.ssl.InputRecord.read(InputRecord.java:505)
at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.readRecord(SSLSocketImpl.java:975)
Log Level: warn
Category: Membership
Meaning: While this looks to be very SSL/TLS specific, this message is often driven by the many of the same client connectivity issues as in the non-SSL/TLS case. This is a client-server connection that is failing because the connection terminated. Besides the general client-server connectivity issues, however, this could also be caused when the client can’t validate the server’s Certificate, and so hangs up. This message does not indicate any reasons for why that connectivity was lost, but does indicate client-server connectivity issues and the cause needs to be investigated and understood.
Potential Resolutions:
Review client logs to see if there’s anything informative there, such as SSL/TLS validation issues, and then investigate logs and stats for possible connectivity or performance issues on the server.
Function: <functionName> cannot be executed because the members [list of members] are running low on memory
Log Message:
[error 2022/01/11 03:49:41.307 EST <ServerConnection on port 10230 Thread 5>
tid=0x28d] <function info> Function: <functionName> cannot be executed because the
members [<list of members>)<v3>:10104] are running low on memory
Log Level: error
Category: Operations, Storage
Meaning: This is very similar to the “canceled” query message, but applies to function executions. Essentially, before execution the system recognizes the heap has surpassed the critical-threshold in some subset of members, and therefore the system chooses not to begin the function execution. You should also see the “above heap critical threshold” message in some logs if seeing this message.
Potential Resolutions:
Please follow the same guidelines as the “Query execution canceled due to memory threshold” message.
Region <regionName> bucket <n> has persistent data that is no longer online stored at these locations
Log Message:
[error 2022/01/11 03:51:41.809 EST <ServerConnection on port 10230 Thread 2>
tid=0x21f] <filtered>:Region <regionName> bucket 51 has persistent data that is no
longer online stored at these locations: [<list of members hosting the bucket
including timestamp information>l]
Log Level: error
Category: Membership
Meaning: This message tells us that we have lost access to some persistent copy of the given bucket (“51” in the above example). So we know we have a partitioned persistent region where some of the hosting members are not available.
Potential Resolutions:
Determine the cause of the loss of the given member or members hosting that bucket, provided in the message. We do not recommend executing any gfsh “revoke” command without expert interaction and assistance. It is possible you could cause a loss of data.
Region has potentially stale data. Buckets [list] are waiting for another offline member
Log Message:
[info 2021/12/03 06:52:17.226 EST <PersistentBucketRecoverer for region <r>>
tid=0x147] Region <r> (and any colocated sub-regions) has potentially stale data.
Buckets [27, 85, 92] are waiting for another offline member to recover the latest
data.My persistent id is:
DiskStore ID: <disk store id>
Name: <member name>
Location: <member location>
Offline members with potentially new data:[
DiskStore ID: <disk store id of member with potentially newer data>
Location: <member location>
Buckets: [27, 85, 92]
] Use the gfsh show missing-disk-stores command to see all disk stores that are being waited on by other members.
Log Level: info
Category: Membership
Meaning: This message normally shows when a member is starting, during bucket recovery of partitioned regions, and indicates that it is waiting for other members, where the data is considered to be more current, to start. Once those members start, the latest copy of the data will be accessible and the member will perform a GII (get initial image) to recover the buckets allowing the member to proceed with initialization.
Potential Resolutions:
If this message appears, perhaps you have members not yet started, and you need to start those members. We recommend starting all cache server processes simultaneously, especially after a clean shutdown, so that the subsequent startup has access to all buckets, and no member is stuck waiting for other members to start.
If you did not have a clean shutdown, or some member has been down for a long time, do NOT start up that member as the first member of a cluster. Otherwise, you will get into a ConflictingDatePersistenceException state that will then require revoking disk stores.
This is a completely avoidable scenario. It is better to start all of the members that have been up and part of the healthy cluster first, and then add back that member later, to be able to get that member up to date, with the latest copies of the buckets loaded from other members. If you see this message, you may want to check current status with the gfsh “show metrics” command to determine whether your number of buckets without redundancy is changing for the specified region over time. If not, you should definitely take a thread dump across all members to determine whether you are having some form of distributed deadlock issue during startup. It is possible that you are simply having major contention/congestion due to some insufficient configuration, such as DistributionManager.MAX_PR_THREAD or DistributionManager.MAX_THREADS. This can be evaluated by analyzing the statistics of the system using a tool like VSD.