Execute a set of GFSH commands.
Commands that normally prompt for additional input will instead use default values.
Availability: Online or offline.
Note: Some commands specified in the file require online status.
run --file=value [--quiet(=value)?] [--continue-on-error(=value)?]
Name | Description | Default Value |
--file | Required. Path of the file scripted with commands that gfsh recognizes. Path should be relative or absolute. |
--quiet | Specifies whether to show command output.
All commands in a script are run non-interactively when the |
false |
--continue-on-error | Specifies whether further execution of the script should continue if there is an error while executing one of the commands fails. | false |
Table 1. Run Parameters
Example Commands:
run --file=create-regions.gfsh --quiet=true
(2) From command line:
prompt> /home/user1/gemfire70/bin/gfsh run ./create-regions.gfsh --quiet=true
prompt> /home/user1/gemfire70/bin/gfsh run ./create-regions.gfsh
Sample Output:
gfsh>run --file=create-regions.gfsh
1. Executing - create region --name=region4 --type=REPLICATE
Member | Status
------- | --------------------------------------
server2 | Region "/region4" created on "server2"
server1 | Region "/region4" created on "server1"
2. Executing - create region --name=region1/subregion1 --type=LOCAL
Parent region for "region1/subregion1" doesn't exist.