Configuring a Multi-site (WAN) System
Plan and configure your multi-site topology, and configure the regions that will be shared between systems.
Before you start, you should understand how to configure membership and communication in peer-to-peer systems using locators. See Configuring Peer-to-Peer Discovery and Configuring Peer Communication.
WAN deployments increase the messaging demands on a Geode system. To avoid hangs related to WAN messaging, always set conserve-sockets=false
for Geode members that participate in a WAN deployment. See Configuring Sockets in Multi-Site (WAN) Deployments and Making Sure You Have Enough Sockets.
Main Steps
Use the following steps to configure a multi-site system:
- Plan the topology of your multi-site system. See Multi-site (WAN) Topologies for a description of different multi-site topologies.
Configure membership and communication for each cluster in your multi-site system. You must use locators for peer discovery in a WAN configuration. See Configuring Peer-to-Peer Discovery. Start each cluster using a unique
and identify remote clusters usingremote-locators
. For example:mcast-port=0 locators=<locator1-address>[<port1>],<locator2-address>[<port2>] distributed-system-id=1 remote-locators=<remote-locator-addr1>[<port1>],<remote-locator-addr2>[<port2>]
Configure the gateway senders that you will use to distribute region events to remote systems. See Configure Gateway Senders.
Create the data regions that you want to participate in the multi-site system, specifying the gateway sender(s) that each region should use for WAN distribution. Configure the same regions in the target clusters to apply the distributed events. See Create Data Regions for Multi-site Communication.
Configure gateway receivers in each Geode cluster that will receive region events from another cluster. See Configure Gateway Receivers.
Start cluster member processes in the correct order (locators first, followed by data nodes) to ensure efficient discovery of WAN resources. See Starting Up and Shutting Down Your System.
(Optional.) Deploy custom conflict resolvers to handle resolve potential conflicts that are detected when applying events from over a WAN. See Resolving Conflicting Events.
(Optional.) Deploy WAN filters to determine which events are distributed over the WAN, or to modify events as they are distributed over the WAN. See Filtering Events for Multi-Site (WAN) Distribution.
(Optional.) Configure persistence, conflation, and/or dispatcher threads for gateway sender queues using the instructions in Configuring Multi-Site (WAN) Event Queues.
Configure Gateway Senders
Each gateway sender configuration includes:
- A unique ID for the gateway sender configuration.
- The distributed system ID of the remote site to which the sender propagates region events.
- A property that specifies whether the gateway sender is a serial gateway sender or a parallel gateway sender.
- Optional properties that configure the gateway sender queue. These queue properties determine features such the amount of memory used by the queue, whether the queue is persisted to disk, and how one or more gateway sender threads dispatch events from the queue.
Note: To configure a gateway sender that uses gfsh to create the cache.xml configurations described below, as well as other options, see create gateway-sender.
See WAN Configuration for more information about individual configuration properties.
For each Geode system, choose the members that will host a gateway sender configuration and distribute region events to remote sites:
- You must deploy a parallel gateway sender configuration on each Geode member that hosts a region that uses the sender. Regions using the same parallel gateway sender ID must be colocated.
- You may choose to deploy a serial gateway sender configuration on one or more Geode members in order to provide high availability. However, only one instance of a given serial gateway sender configuration distributes region events at any given time.
Configure each gateway sender on a Geode member using gfsh,
or Java API:gfsh configuration command
gfsh>create gateway-sender --id="sender2" --parallel=true --remote-distributed-system-id="2" gfsh>create gateway-sender --id="sender3" --parallel=true --remote-distributed-system-id="3"
cache.xml configuration
These example
entries configure two parallel gateway senders to distribute region events to two remote Geode clusters (clusters “2” and “3”):<cache> <gateway-sender id="sender2" parallel="true" remote-distributed-system-id="2"/> <gateway-sender id="sender3" parallel="true" remote-distributed-system-id="3"/> ... </cache>
Java configuration
This example code shows how to configure a parallel gateway sender using the API:
// Create or obtain the cache Cache cache = new CacheFactory().create(); // Configure and create the gateway sender GatewaySenderFactory gateway = cache.createGatewaySenderFactory(); gateway.setParallel(true); GatewaySender sender = gateway.create("sender2", "2"); sender.start();
Depending on your applications, you may need to configure additional features in each gateway sender. Things you need to consider are:
The maximum amount of memory each gateway sender queue can use. When the queue exceeds the configured amount of memory, the contents of the queue overflow to disk. For example:
gfsh>create gateway-sender --id=sender2 --parallel=true --remote-distributed-system-id=2 --maximum-queue-memory=150
In cache.xml:
<gateway-sender id="sender2" parallel="true" remote-distributed-system-id="2" maximum-queue-memory="150"/>
Whether to enable disk persistence, and whether to use a named disk store for persistence or for overflowing queue events. See Persisting an Event Queue. For example:
gfsh>create gateway-sender --id=sender2 --parallel=true --remote-distributed-system-id=2 \ --maximum-queue-memory=150 --enable-persistence=true --disk-store-name=cluster2Store
In cache.xml:
<gateway-sender id="sender2" parallel="true" remote-distributed-system-id="2" enable-persistence="true" disk-store-name="cluster2Store" maximum-queue-memory="150"/>
The number of dispatcher threads to use for processing events from each each gateway queue. The
attribute of the gateway sender specifies the number of threads that process the queue (default of 5). For example:gfsh>create gateway-sender --id=sender2 --parallel=true --remote-distributed-system-id=2 \ --dispatcher-threads=2 --order-policy=partition
In cache.xml:
<gateway-sender id="sender2" parallel="false" remote-distributed-system-id="2" dispatcher-threads="2" order-policy="partition"/>
Note: When multiple dispatcher threads are configured for a serial queue, each thread operates on its own copy of the gateway sender queue. Queue configuration attributes such as
are repeated for each dispatcher thread that you configure.See Configuring Dispatcher Threads and Order Policy for Event Distribution.
For serial gateway senders (parallel=false) that use multiple
, also configure the ordering policy to use for dispatching the events. See Configuring Dispatcher Threads and Order Policy for Event Distribution.Determine whether you should conflate events in the queue. See Conflating Events in a Queue.
The gateway sender configuration for a specific sender id
must be identical on each Geode member that hosts the gateway sender.
Create Data Regions for Multi-site Communication
When using a multi-site configuration, you choose which data regions to share between sites. Because of the high cost of distributing data between disparate geographical locations, not all changes are passed between sites.
Note these important restrictions on the regions:
Replicated regions cannot use a parallel gateway sender. Use a serial gateway sender instead.
In addition to configuring regions with gateway senders to distribute events, you must configure the same regions in the target clusters to apply the distributed events. The region name in the receiving cluster must exactly match the region name in the sending cluster.
Regions using the same parallel gateway sender ID must be colocated.
After you define gateway senders, configure regions to use the gateway senders to distribute region events.
gfsh Configuration
gfsh>create region --name=customer --gateway-sender-id=sender2,sender3
or to modify an existing region:
gfsh>alter region --name=customer --gateway-sender-id=sender2,sender3
cache.xml Configuration
Use the
region attribute to add gateway senders to a region. To assign multiple gateway senders, use a comma-separated list. For example:<region-attributes gateway-sender-ids="sender2,sender3"> </region-attributes>
Java API Configuration
This example shows adding two gateway senders (configured in the earlier example) to a partitioned region:
RegionFactory rf = cache.createRegionFactory(RegionShortcut.PARTITION); rf.addCacheListener(new LoggingCacheListener()); rf.addGatewaySenderId("sender2"); rf.addGatewaySenderId("sender3"); custRegion = rf.create("customer");
Note: When using the Java API, you must configure a parallel gateway sender before you add its id to a region. This ensures that the sender distributes region events that were persisted before new cache operations take place. If the gateway sender id does not exist when you add it to a region, you receive an
Configure Gateway Receivers
Always configure a gateway receiver in each Geode cluster that will receive and apply region events from another cluster.
A gateway receiver configuration can be applied to multiple Geode servers for load balancing and high availability. However, each Geode member that hosts a gateway receiver must also define all of the regions for which the receiver may receive an event. If a gateway receiver receives an event for a region that the local member does not define, Geode throws an exception. See Create Data Regions for Multi-site Communication.
Note: You can only host one gateway receiver per member.
A gateway receiver configuration specifies a range of possible port numbers on which to listen. The Geode server picks an unused port number from the specified range to use for the receiver process. You can use this functionality to easily deploy the same gateway receiver configuration to multiple members.
You can optionally configure gateway receivers to provide a specific IP address or host name for gateway sender connections. If you configure hostname-for-senders, locators will use the provided host name or IP address when instructing gateway senders on how to connect to gateway receivers. If you provide “” or null as the value, by default the gateway receiver’s bind-address will be sent to clients.
In addition, you can configure gateway receivers to start automatically or, by setting manual-start
to true, to require a manual start.
By default, gateway receivers start automatically.
Note: To configure a gateway receiver, you can use gfsh, cache.xml or Java API configurations as described below. For more information on configuring gateway receivers in gfsh, see create gateway-receiver.
gfsh configuration command
gfsh>create gateway-receiver --start-port=1530 --end-port=1551 \ --hostname-for-senders=gateway1.mycompany.com
cache.xml Configuration
The following configuration defines a gateway receiver that listens on an unused port in the range from 1530 to 1550:
<cache> <gateway-receiver start-port="1530" end-port="1551" hostname-for-senders="gateway1.mycompany.com" /> ... </cache>
Java API Configuration
// Create or obtain the cache Cache cache = new CacheFactory().create(); // Configure and create the gateway receiver GatewayReceiverFactory gateway = cache.createGatewayReceiverFactory(); gateway.setStartPort(1530); gateway.setEndPort(1551); gateway.setHostnameForSenders("gateway1.mycompany.com"); GatewayReceiver receiver = gateway.create();
Note: When using the Java API, you must create any region that might receive events from a remote site before you create the gateway receiver. Otherwise, batches of events could arrive from remote sites before the regions for those events have been created. If this occurs, the local site will throw exceptions because the receiving region does not yet exist. If you define regions in
, the correct startup order is handled automatically.
After starting new gateway receivers, you can execute the load-balance gateway-sender command in gfsh
so that a specific gateway sender will be able to rebalance its connections and connect new remote gateway receivers. Invoking this command redistributes gateway sender connections more evenly among all the gateway receivers.
Another option is to use the GatewaySender.rebalance
Java API.
As an example, assume the following scenario:
- Create 1 receiver in site NY.
- Create 4 senders in site LN.
- Create 3 additional receivers in NY.
You can then execute the following in gfsh to see the effects of rebalancing:
gfsh -e "connect --locator=localhost[10331]" -e "list gateways"
(2) Executing - list gateways
GatewaySender Id | Member | Remote Cluster Id | Type | Status | Queued Events | Receiver Location
---------------- | --------------------------------- | ----------------- | -------- | ------- | ------------- | -----------------
ln | boglesbymac(ny-1:88641)<v2>:33491 | 2 | Parallel | Running | 0 | boglesbymac:5037
ln | boglesbymac(ny-2:88705)<v3>:29329 | 2 | Parallel | Running | 0 | boglesbymac:5064
ln | boglesbymac(ny-3:88715)<v4>:36808 | 2 | Parallel | Running | 0 | boglesbymac:5132
ln | boglesbymac(ny-4:88724)<v5>:52993 | 2 | Parallel | Running | 0 | boglesbymac:5324
Member | Port | Sender Count | Sender's Connected
--------------------------------- | ---- | ------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------
boglesbymac(ny-1:88641)<v2>:33491 | 5057 | 24 | ["boglesbymac(ln-1:88651)<v2>:48277","boglesbymac(ln-4:88681)<v5>:42784","boglesbymac(ln-2:88662)<v3>:12796","boglesbymac(ln-3:88672)<v4>:43675"]
boglesbymac(ny-2:88705)<v3>:29329 | 5082 | 0 | []
boglesbymac(ny-3:88715)<v4>:36808 | 5371 | 0 | []
boglesbymac(ny-4:88724)<v5>:52993 | 5247 | 0 | []
Execute the load-balance command:
gfsh -e "connect --locator=localhost[10441]" -e "load-balance gateway-sender --id=ny"...
(2) Executing - load-balance gateway-sender --id=ny
Member | Result | Message
--------------------------------- | ------ |--------------------------------------------------------------------------
boglesbymac(ln-1:88651)<v2>:48277 | OK | GatewaySender ny is rebalanced on member boglesbymac(ln-1:88651)<v2>:48277
boglesbymac(ln-4:88681)<v5>:42784 | OK | GatewaySender ny is rebalanced on member boglesbymac(ln-4:88681)<v5>:42784
boglesbymac(ln-3:88672)<v4>:43675 | OK | GatewaySender ny is rebalanced on member boglesbymac(ln-3:88672)<v4>:43675
boglesbymac(ln-2:88662)<v3>:12796 | OK | GatewaySender ny is rebalanced on member boglesbymac(ln-2:88662)<v3>:12796
Listing gateways in ny again shows the connections are spread much better among the receivers.
gfsh -e "connect --locator=localhost[10331]" -e "list gateways"...
(2) Executing - list gateways
GatewaySender Id | Member | Remote Cluster Id | Type | Status | Queued Events | Receiver Location
---------------- | --------------------------------- | ---------------- | -------- | ------- | ------------- | -----------------
ln | boglesbymac(ny-1:88641)<v2>:33491 | 2 | Parallel | Running | 0 | boglesbymac:5037
ln | boglesbymac(ny-2:88705)<v3>:29329 | 2 | Parallel | Running | 0 | boglesbymac:5064
ln | boglesbymac(ny-3:88715)<v4>:36808 | 2 | Parallel | Running | 0 | boglesbymac:5132
ln | boglesbymac(ny-4:88724)<v5>:52993 | 2 | Parallel | Running | 0 | boglesbymac:5324
Member | Port | Sender Count | Sender's Connected
--------------------------------- | ---- | ------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
boglesbymac(ny-1:88641)<v2>:33491 | 5057 | 9 |["boglesbymac(ln-1:88651)<v2>:48277","boglesbymac(ln-4:88681)<v5>:42784","boglesbymac(ln-3:88672)<v4>:43675","boglesbymac(ln-2:88662)<v3>:12796"]
boglesbymac(ny-2:88705)<v3>:29329 | 5082 | 4 |["boglesbymac(ln-1:88651)<v2>:48277","boglesbymac(ln-4:88681)<v5>:42784","boglesbymac(ln-3:88672)<v4>:43675"]
boglesbymac(ny-3:88715)<v4>:36808 | 5371 | 4 |["boglesbymac(ln-1:88651)<v2>:48277","boglesbymac(ln-4:88681)<v5>:42784","boglesbymac(ln-3:88672)<v4>:43675"]
boglesbymac(ny-4:88724)<v5>:52993 | 5247 | 3 |["boglesbymac(ln-1:88651)<v2>:48277","boglesbymac(ln-4:88681)<v5>:42784","boglesbymac(ln-3:88672)<v4>:43675"]
Running the load balance command in site ln again produces even better balance.
Member | Port | Sender Count | Sender's Connected
--------------------------------- | ---- | ------------ |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
boglesbymac(ny-1:88641)<v2>:33491 | 5057 | 7 |["boglesbymac(ln-1:88651)<v2>:48277","boglesbymac(ln-4:88681)<v5>:42784","boglesbymac(ln-2:88662)<v3>:12796","boglesbymac(ln-3:88672)<v4>:43675"]
boglesbymac(ny-2:88705)<v3>:29329 | 5082 | 3 |["boglesbymac(ln-1:88651)<v2>:48277","boglesbymac(ln-3:88672)<v4>:43675","boglesbymac(ln-2:88662)<v3>:12796"]
boglesbymac(ny-3:88715)<v4>:36808 | 5371 | 5 |["boglesbymac(ln-1:88651)<v2>:48277","boglesbymac(ln-4:88681)<v5>:42784","boglesbymac(ln-2:88662)<v3>:12796","boglesbymac(ln-3:88672)<v4>:43675"]
boglesbymac(ny-4:88724)<v5>:52993 | 5247 | 6 |["boglesbymac(ln-1:88651)<v2>:48277","boglesbymac(ln-4:88681)<v5>:42784","boglesbymac(ln-2:88662)<v3>:12796","boglesbymac(ln-3:88672)<v4>:43675"]