Consistency for Region Updates
Geode ensures that all copies of a region eventually reach a consistent state on all members and clients that host the region, including Geode members that distribute region events.
Consistency Checking by Region Type
Geode performs different consistency checks depending on the type of region you have configured.
Configuring Consistency Checking
Geode enables consistency checking by default. You cannot disable consistency checking for persistent regions. For all other regions, you can explicitly enable or disable consistency checking by setting the
region attribute incache.xml
to “true” or “false.”Overhead for Consistency Checks
Consistency checking requires additional overhead for storing and distributing version and timestamp information, as well as for maintaining destroyed entries for a period of time to meet consistency requirements.
How Consistency Checking Works for Replicated Regions
Each region stores version and timestamp information for use in conflict detection. Geode members use the recorded information to detect and resolve conflicts consistently before applying a distributed update.
How Destroy and Clear Operations Are Resolved
When consistency checking is enabled for a region, a Geode member does not immediately remove an entry from the region when an application destroys the entry. Instead, the member retains the entry with its current version stamp for a period of time in order to detect possible conflicts with operations that have occurred. The retained entry is referred to as a tombstone. Geode retains tombstones for partitioned regions and non-replicated regions as well as for replicated regions, in order to provide consistency.
Transactions with Consistent Regions
A transaction that modifies a region having consistency checking enabled generates all necessary version information for region updates when the transaction commits.