Using gfsh to Manage a Remote Cluster Over HTTP or HTTPS
You can connect gfsh
via HTTP or HTTPS to a remote cluster and manage the cluster using gfsh
To connect gfsh
using the HTTP protocol to a remote cluster:
- Launch
. See Starting gfsh. When starting the remote cluster on the remote host, you can optionally specify
as Geode properties when starting up your JMX manager (server or locator). These properties can be then used in the URL used when connecting from your local system to the HTTP service in the remote cluster. For example:gfsh>start server --name=server1 --J=-Dgemfire.jmx-manager=true \ --J=-Dgemfire.jmx-manager-start=true --http-service-port=8080 \ --http-service-bind-address=myremotecluster.example.com
This command must be executed directly on the host machine that will ultimately act as the remote server that hosts the HTTP service for remote administration. (You cannot launch a server remotely.)
On your local system, run the
gfsh connect
command to connect to the remote system. Include the--use-http
parameters. For example:gfsh>connect --use-http=true --url="http://myremotecluster.example.com:8080/geode/v1" Successfully connected to: Geode Manager's HTTP service @ http://myremotecluster.example.com:8080/geode/v1
See connect.
is now connected to the remote system. Mostgfsh
commands will now execute on the remote system; however, there are exceptions. The following commands are executed on the local cluster:-
alter disk-store
compact offline-disk-store
describe offline-disk-store
(for executing OS commands) -
start jconsole
(however, you can connect JConsole to a remote cluster when gfsh is connected to the cluster via JMX) -
start jvisualvm
start locator
start server
start vsd
status locator
status server
stop locator
stop server
(for executing gfsh scripts) -
validate disk-store
You can stop and obtain the status of remote locators and servers whengfsh
is connected to the cluster via JMX or HTTP/S by using the--name
option for thesestop
commands. If you are using the--pid
option for these commands, then thestop
commands are executed only locally.-
To configure SSL for the remote connection (HTTPS), enable SSL for the http
in gemfire.properties or gfsecurity-properties or upon server startup. See
SSL for details on configuring SSL parameters. These
SSL parameters also apply to all HTTP services hosted on the configured JMX Manager, which can
include the following:
- Developer REST API service
- Pulse monitoring tool