Query Debugging
You can debug a specific query at the query level by adding the <trace>
keyword before the query string that you want to debug.
Here is an example:
<trace> select * from /exampleRegion
You can also write:
<TRACE> select * from /exampleRegion
When the query is executed, Geode will log a message in $GEMFIRE_DIR/system.log
with the following information:
[info 2011/08/29 11:24:35.472 PDT CqServer <main> tid=0x1] Query Executed in 9.619656 ms; rowCount = 99; indexesUsed(0) "select * from /exampleRegion"
If you want to enable debugging for all queries, you can enable query execution logging by setting a System property on the command line during start-up:
gfsh>start server --name=server_name -–J=-Dgemfire.Query.VERBOSE=true
Or you can set the property programmatically:
As an example, let us say you have an EmployeeRegion that that contains Employee objects as values and the objects have public fields in them like ID and status.
Class Employee {
public int ID;
public String status;
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
In addition, you have created the following indexes for the region:
<index name="sampleIndex-1">
<functional from-clause="/test " expression="ID"/>
<index name="sampleIndex-2">
<functional from-clause="/test " expression="status"/>
After you have set gemfire.Query.VERBOSE
to “true”, you could see the following debug messages in the logs after running queries on the EmployeeRegion or its indexes:
If indexes are not used in the query execution, you would see a debug message like this:
[info 2011/08/29 11:24:35.472 PDT CqServer <main> tid=0x1] Query Executed in 9.619656 ms; rowCount = 99; indexesUsed(0) "select * from /test k where ID > 0 and status='active'"
When single index is used in query execution, you might see a debug message like this:
[info 2011/08/29 11:24:35.472 PDT CqServer <main> tid=0x1] Query Executed in 101.43499 ms; rowCount = 199; indexesUsed(1):sampleIndex-1(Results: 199) "select count * from /test k where ID > 0"
When multiple indexes are used by a query, you might see a debug message like this:
[info 2011/08/29 11:24:35.472 PDT CqServer <main> tid=0x1] Query Executed in 79.43847 ms; rowCount = 199; indexesUsed(2):sampleIndex-2(Results: 100),sampleIndex-1(Results: 199) "select * from /test k where ID > 0 OR status='active'"
In above log messages, the following information is provided:
- “rowCount” represents ResultSet size for the query.
- “indexesUsed(\n) ” shows n indexes were used for finding the results of the query.
- Each index name and its corresponding results are reported respectively.
- The log can be identified with the original query string itself appended in the end.